Example sentences of "have [be] [adv] [adj] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 This has meant , for example , that despite some valiant efforts Marxism has been ultimately unable to deal with other important social dimensions such as race and gender differences without reducing them to a mere aspect of class oppression and class struggle .
2 At the end of the test I have to say that I would have been reasonably happy to work with any of the monitors on a long term basis .
3 For instance , it has often been thought that the progress of a military campaign , such as the invasions of the Germanic peoples into the northern Roman empire of the third and fourth centuries , could be plotted from the locations of hoards , or that areas with large numbers of hoards must have been relatively rich compared with other areas .
4 ‘ We would have been far happier to continue with the old system but Middlesbrough council decided it no longer wanted to collect on our behalf , which is their prerogative , ’ he said .
5 And Tom Tunney must have been absurdly easy to deal with .
6 ‘ I dressed for sex and thought about nothing else on these trips to London and , once I was locked away with Andrew , I got up to all sorts of things I would have been too embarrassed to do with Tony .
7 But it must have been very difficult to start with
8 Thirty years ago this change would have been more likely to coincide with marriage ; today it coincides with becoming a parent , and its significance may be underrated as maternity leave holds open the option of a very early return to work .
9 Schemes were over ambitious , the majority of them being for BA ( Hons ) , when it would have been more realistic to start with something less demanding .
10 Had they not had such a resource at their disposal some might have had to forego particular orders , others might have been obliged to withdraw entirely from certain markets , whilst still others would have been less willing to innovate with new products offering chances of survival or expansion .
11 The only difference was that , until that final encounter when she fled from her cousin and his suggestions , she had been very willing to comply with all his wishes and , indeed , had thoroughly enjoyed the experience of being hugged , kissed and stroked by him .
12 The defence counsel , Robert Henderson , QC , said that Mr Buckley 's death had been a great shock to Sutherland who had been very lucky to escape with his life .
13 And take her home they did — never understanding why the previous owner had been so happy to part with her !
14 Her previous recording with Sir Charles Groves featured Crusell 's Second Concerto , in which she was partnered by the English Chamber Orchestra , and it became evident from our conversation that she had been especially happy to work with Sir Charles once again , in this new recording of English music for clarinet and orchestra .
15 The day had been too good to smudge with complaints .
16 I decided that there might well be a few odd cancer cells lurking about that my immune system had n't spotted or had been too demoralized to deal with — and anyway , was n't I , like everyone else , making thousands of cancer cells every day ?
17 What had been wildly romantic to begin with turned into something else over the years , although I could always look at him and remember why I had been so stricken .
18 I do n't know why sh , had n't have been so dry to begin with .
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