Example sentences of "have [be] [adj] [verb] any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Vellayati said afterwards , however , that " it has been impossible to propose any plan as each attempt has been rejected by one side or the other " .
2 It is a paradox too , that because Christianity has been able to drop any mention of the physical cycles of women 's lives , secular culture has ended up with an idea that true liberation means we can forget ‘ those difficult days ’ , and ‘ carry on as normal ’ ; assuming , perhaps , that to be normal is to be more like a man .
3 Eliot has been careful to avoid any sort of sentimental religiosity , and this strengthens greatly the play 's climax .
4 Husameddin offers nothing in the way of specific evidence to support his statement either about Molla Yegan 's resignation or about Molla Fenari 's appointment , however , and is indeed at pains to say that in spite of much research he has been unable to find any signatures of Molla Fenari 's dating from this second kadilik .
5 Gravellier felt nervous , so nervous he 'd been unable to eat any breakfast .
6 Most of these , if asked , would have been unwilling to support any increase in attainment testing or in subjective assessment of character , but their expressed unease about testing could help to feed that of others , who would then fall back on what had ‘ worked ’ in the past .
7 Moreover , they would have been unlikely to make any connection between what was happening in their adult relationships and what had happened during childhood .
8 If this book had been written twenty years ago it would have been unlikely to contain any discussion of bias in the language of academic work .
9 Two weeks ago Hoomey knew that he would have been terrified putting any part of his anatomy within an inch of Bones 's long , grooved teeth , but habit had given him confidence .
10 In Kennedy v. Broun ( 1863 ) 13 C.B. 677 ( Common Pleas ) Erle C.J. said that in Lampleigh v. Brathwait , ‘ it was assumed that the journeys which the plaintiff performed at the request of the defendant , and the other services he rendered , would have been sufficient to make any promise binding if it had been connected therewith in one contract ; the peculiarity of the decision lies in connecting a subsequent promise with a prior consideration after it had been executed .
11 Dr Reid added that it would have been difficult to suggest any change in the administration of antibiotics .
12 So far Edward had been careful to avoid any appearance of an attack on Warwick 's own gains , but on 16 December Gloucester was authorized to subdue the rebels who had seized the castles of Cardigan and Carmarthen — castles of which Warwick was still technically constable .
13 So far Edward had been careful to avoid any appearance of an attack on Warwick 's own gains , but on 16 December Gloucester was authorized to subdue the rebels who had seized the castles of Cardigan and Carmarthen — castles of which Warwick was still technically constable .
14 He told the abbot of Fécamp that he had heard that there was a letter of Pope Eugenius ( obviously a corruption of Hyginus ) which had settled the question , but he had been unable to get any information about this alleged source .
15 Mr McEwan said that police had been unable to trace any members of the missing girl 's family still living in the Coatbridge area .
16 Until yesterday , after so many years , police had been unable to trace any members of the missing girl 's family .
17 Bogged down in Mexico and denied any support from Britain , Napoleon III had been unable to exercise any influence during the war which Prussia had forced on Denmark in 1864 and Bismarck was determined that there should also be no interference in the war which he now planned with Austria .
18 ‘ They 've said he 's 100pc , so I 've been able to dispel any fears I had after the accident . ’
19 ‘ You 've been free to go any time .
20 I trust I have been able to dilute any misgivings that my letter may have stirred .
21 Several authors report the presence of aluminium and silicon in the plaque cores , although others have been unable to detect any increase in the level of these elements in neuritic plaques .
22 Unfortunately I have been unable to trace any documents after the survey , and so do not know exactly why the scheme fell through or even whether the bill was ever presented .
23 In others , where the courts have been unable to find any contract between the parties , the courts have had to rely on an equitable doctrine of confidence .
24 The House of Lords alone proposed 569 amendments , and the Secretary of State for Education and Science , Kenneth Baker , said : ‘ I have been unable to find any measure since the war that has been more debated or had more parliamentary time allocated to it ’ .
25 Just 16 days ago a one-ton van bomb dumped at East London 's massive office development Canary Wharf also failed to explode although experts have been unable to find any fault .
26 Despite reference to seed catalogues and gardening books , I have been unable to find any information on its propagation , either from seed or from cuttings .
27 Both crabs died after about two months , but I have been unable to find any information on them .
28 Well , anyway , my men have been unable to find any connection between the two at all .
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