Example sentences of "have [be] [adv] [vb pp] over [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Until the final scenes Bolam 's Macbeth is a placid , middle-management man who may reckon he has been unfairly passed over for promotion .
2 Drivers report no guerrilla attacks , even though security north of the Salang Tunnel has been largely handed over to local militia units and the army withdrawn .
3 The facility , at Spynie on the northern outskirts of the town , has been officially handed over to its operators , the Aberdeen-based Skene Enterprises Group .
4 Given that the decision has now been taken by Parliament to extend the law to cover recordings , broadcasts and cable programmes , it may be wondered whether the exemption for these should have been automatically carried over into the new law .
5 The last years of his life seem to have been largely given over to this task .
6 All she had to do was imply , without ever actually saying so , that the reins had been temporarily handed over to her .
7 Husam eddin rejects the story of the quarrel and the dating of Molla Fenari 's departure in the reign of Bayezid I , asserting that Karaman had been wholly taken over by the Ottomans in 793/1391 while the documents ( dated 796,802 and 804 ) show Molla Fenari 's period of office as kadi to have fallen after that date ; and he says rather that Molla Fenari returned to Karaman with Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey in early 805/summer 1402 , following the battle of Ankara ( Dhu " l-Hijja 804/July 1402 ) , when the latter was freed and reinstated by Timur and Karaman reconstituted as an independent state .
8 After the concert , guests went into the garden which had been completely tented over for supper .
9 At first he had been simply bowled over by her enormous beauty , her laughter , her charm .
10 All necessary information had been efficiently handed over to the new Teachers ' Representative , , who was then introduced and warmly welcomed by .
11 His whole soul had been so given over to dreams of leaving Loxford recently that he was startled to think his father might share them .
12 The Antipodean visitor was VH–AQJ/A17–26 , which had been especially crated over to the UK for the event and was expected to spend about a month or so in the country before returning home .
13 The yard at the side had been roughly roofed over with corrugated iron ; it was not entirely waterproof as buckets and other containers were dotted around the floor to catch the drips .
14 I HAVE been completely bowled over by everyone 's generosity and good wishes .
15 But I mean the the panel is going to have to explore this apparent conflict which I do n't think 's been properly papered over between what is in paragraph five of P P G one and section fifty four A. Er it 's a nice dilemma which we 're we 're faced the planning profession as a whole is faced with erm and and I think that either it 's section fifty four A or it 's paragraph five of P P , P P G one .
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