Example sentences of "have [be] [verb] to [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But the hypothesis that antibody binding to domain 1 could lead to conformational changes that increase the accessibility of region 3 has been argued to be very unlikely and the structure now reinforces this view .
2 Lafford is a prebend of Lincoln Cathedral , and Richard has been assumed to be also identifiable as Richard de Bello ( of Battle , probably Battle in Sussex ) who was prebendary of Lafford in 1277 and who was also treasurer of Lincoln Cathedral by October 1270 , until at least April 1278 .
3 This seems to me to illustrate what I would call the ‘ Breakthrough Phenomenon ’ : the sudden discovery that something which has been assumed to be out of the question is not out of the question at all .
4 This , however , has been felt to be rather ironical since , although he is critical of idealism and maintains a formal commitment to empirical rationalism , it is Hobhouse who in fact calls for the greater degree of state intervention .
5 The organisation of material once it has been attended to was extensively studied by Gestalt psychologists .
6 Louise Levine is , in many ways , the antithesis of all the '90's has been hyped to be about , but far from being her weakness , this is her strength .
7 Louise Levine is , in many ways , the antithesis of all the '90's has been hyped to be about , but far from being her weakness , this is her strength .
8 In fact , UI claims the whole Roadmap process has been recast to be user-rather than independent software vendor-focused , detailing user-specific information such as when their suppliers will provide them with certain technologies .
9 In addition , the bloodhound has been bred to be particularly attuned to human smells .
10 Mr. Roth contended that it is inconceivable that a party who has been held to be merely negligent should be required to contribute to the damages payable by a party who has been found guilty of fraud .
11 Similarly , PGE 2 synthesis has been reported to be both reduced and increased in patients with superficial gastritis .
12 The decrease in total cGMP has been reported to be only 10–15% ( ref. 24 ) , but the decrease in free cGMP has not yet been measured .
13 The administration of additional inspired oxygen seemed to be of benefit ; in 15 patients with baseline hypoxaemia this would be expected as episodic desaturation has been reported to be more severe if baseline hypoxaemia is present .
14 Japan remains tied to the Western camp partly because the relationship has become integral to her economy and politics over forty years ' association , and partly because it appears to offer the best defence against Soviet aggression and encroachment — a long-standing fear — in Northeast Asia , and the best hope of Japan 's integrity overall in a world where she has been proved to be economically and militarily vulnerable .
15 Non-flying mammals have for some time been suspected to be pollinators in a number of vegetation types outside the tropics and , in recent years , this has been proved to be so in both South Africa and Australia .
16 To cap it all , the administration has been shown to be not just partisan , not just radical in some of its instincts , but alarmingly accident-prone .
17 There are basically two positions that can be taken with respect to this irrevocable split between theory and practice : either Marxism has been shown to be not true , or the Marxism of Stalinist Russia was not proper Marxism .
18 The velocity of propagation has been shown to be slower in patients with reflux oesophagitis .
19 It is possible that a greater difference would have emerged if we had been able to age-match the Crohn 's disease and control groups , as age has been shown to be inversely correlated with intestinal blood volume .
20 Subsequently , the Galactic Centre has been shown to be astonishingly bright at many wavelengths , although it can not be seen optically because it is obscured by intervening dust .
21 In these subjects , the level of EMG has been shown to be well correlated with their level of performance .
22 Inter-site variation in laser Doppler flow measurements has been shown to be partly related to the small dimensions of the measurement volume , which make the results highly sensitive to local non-uniformity of microvascular perfusion .
23 The use of syntactic information as an aid for text recognition systems has been shown to be both feasible and useful .
24 The liver is the one organ in the abdomen in which MRI has been shown to be slightly better than computed tomography in the detection of focal lesions .
25 Reliance on a predictive procedure which is linked mechanically to lagged values of the actual rate of inflation has been shown to be wholly inadequate .
26 More recently also C/EBP δ/NF-IL6; β has been shown to be transcriptionally regulated by LPS ( and presumably by IL-6 ) in mice ( 28 ) .
27 It has been shown to be virtually impossible to give reliability figures for software when the reliability requirements are less than 1 error in 10 4 .
28 CQD a product imported from Germany and available from specialist aquatic retailers , has been shown to be very effective in treating certain , but not all , cases of Hexamita infection .
29 The Government 's commitment to child benefit has been shown to be only lukewarm , and they regard the benefit as a politically necessary extravagance .
30 MRI has been shown to be more sensitive than computed tomography in demonstrating intracranial metastases , particularly when Gd-DTPA is used .
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