Example sentences of "have [be] [verb] by [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So far the choice has been fudged by declared commitments to both EC technological collaboration and more competition .
2 Furthermore , its application to class differences has been recognised by many commentators , most notably in the work of Basil Bernstein ( 1971 ) on whom Greenfield leans heavily .
3 The importance of persuading individuals to save for their own pension instead of just relying on the State has been recognised by successive governments .
4 The importance of accountability relationships to economic success has been recognised by those writers who point to the rise of the Japanese version of ‘ collective ’ capitalism .
5 Much has been written by social anthropologists against the materialist approaches in ethnographic analysis .
6 In five out of the last seven years the success rate for this type of appeal has been the first or second highest for all categories and almost one in every two appeals has been lost by local authorities .
7 The plan has been finalised by high-ranking officials of the Environment Protection Agency , although EPA Administrator William K. Reilly is still said to be " looking at the options " himself .
8 Women often are as important as men in making and keeping these links , which is one reason why the importance of the kin network in employment frequently has been missed by other researchers , who have looked for people with the same surname .
9 A more optimistic note on house prices has been struck by big builders Wimpey .
10 Historically , as we have seen , the country has been rent by various upheavals , sometimes of a quite violent nature .
11 The use of sacred measure and proportion has been developed by many researchers to postulate a geometrical pattern across the land , extending Watkins ' ley theory into wider concepts of ‘ landscape geometry ’ , and we have already looked at the work of Tyler , Lawton and Koop in exploring wider patterns .
12 A new instrument for measuring ozone levels in the air has been developed by Austrian scientists .
13 The steady rise in quality of the materials produced and developed at Dudley Teachers ' Centre , for instance , is an excellent example ; the centre has an enthusiastic warden and much of the work has developed under the stimulus of an outstanding educational adviser , but the content of the materials has been developed by local teachers with admirable results ( mostly limited at present to print-form ) .
14 The significance of attitude to work has been highlighted by numerous studies .
15 The World Bank 's failure to provide significant funding for energy conservation has been criticized by environmental groups after a report revealed that only 1 per cent of the Bank 's £1,800 million investment in third-world energy programmes was devoted to conservation .
16 The move has been criticized by environmental organizations , which argue that the cars could be fitted with a converter because the cost , around £300 per car , is not prohibitive and that in any case manufacturers have known for some time when the law would come into effect .
17 While statements such as this invited the charge that factual evidence was becoming confounded with too-hasty interpretation , the basic thesis survived and has been strengthened by other workers not of the psychoanalytic school : notably the ethologists and zoologists , as well as child psychologists ( Lorenz , 1952 ; Harlow , 1961 ; Schaffer and Emerson , 1964 ) .
18 It is a stance which has been nurtured by several things , family bereavement and an intelligent , contemplative nature amongst them , but was perhaps most impelled by the experience of coaching in Bangladesh in the winter of 1989–90 .
19 Rugged granite has been carved by strong winds into fantastic shapes , and hundreds of tiny bays and inlets hide small holiday developments .
20 SF incoherence has been adopted by mainstream writers — from Borges to Rushdie , Doris Lessing to Woody Allen — as literacy and literary competence has developed and spread , and readers are prepared to accept more incoherence in texts and make more effort to resolve meanings .
21 Superficially , such a judgement would have been rather puzzling , given that adverbs , including adverbs of manner , normally can qualify the verb believe : ( 71 ) we must reluctantly believe what she says 4.8 The proposal to treat the adjectives of Sections 4.5 and 4.6 as if they were part of a modified subordinate clause is not of course a novel one ; notoriously , the postulation of modified subordinate clauses has been adopted by many writers in recent decades as a grammatical panacea for all manner of syntactic problems .
22 Palynology has been adopted by many biogeographers and pollen analysis was the basis for the reconstruction of the detailed vegetation history of many specific areas although more recently emphasis has changed from individual sites to the reconstruction of patterns of change in Britain ( e.g. Barber 1976 ) and in the tropics ( e.g. Flenley , 1979 ) .
23 It has been adopted by many authors and consultants and it seems to mean many things , depending on the author and context .
24 Yet the notion of inter-hemispheric inhibition is one that has been adopted by other authors to explain how language becomes lateralised to the left hemisphere ( Gazzaniga , 1974 ) .
25 This flexible approach to arranging help for childcare has been adopted by several companies .
26 The reliability of the sedimentation tube methods , as determined by good reproducibility of results from repeated analysis of the same samples and by analysis of multiple sub-samples from individual sediments , has been recorded by many workers .
27 The Maxwell name has been reviled by 20,000 pensioners outraged that £400 million had been pillaged from their pension funds .
28 Most of this research so far has been done by private companies ( mostly American ) .
29 MacLink also has a role to play in the translation of information once it has been transferred by other communications systems ; simple serial links , modem or Email based file transfer or the third main method for getting files between Macintoshes and PCs , disk exchange .
30 The immediate effects of changing the system has been characterised by economic difficulties in the new federal states .
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