Example sentences of "have [adv] been on a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Life has always been on a razor-edge of survival and it is surely important to understand those moments in the past when the organic world seemed closer than usual to obliteration .
2 We went to the airport , I 'd never been on a plane before , we were going to America — we got to the airport and — nothing .
3 She wondered if this coat had ever been on a train before , when it had belonged to the other child .
4 I had n't been on a ferry for years .
5 The following table shows where a sample of school-leavers who had either been on a government Youth Opportunities Scheme ( YOPS ) or been unemployed for six weeks by the beginning of October 1978 had ended up by April 1979 .
6 ‘ We 've never been on a cruise .
7 ‘ I 've never been on a boat before , ’ he admitted to Tommy , ‘ unless you count the paddle steamer at Brighton . ’
8 I 've never been on a diet .
9 I 've never been on a train before . ’
10 Now I 've never been on a camel before and these guys , I mean , they do n't wash ; just roll around in the sand .
11 Felipe had let me drive around the hacienda but I had never been on a road . ’
12 She had never been on a train before and the speed , which must have been twenty miles an hour , made her as excited as a child .
13 The boat too affected her profoundly ; she had never been on a boat before , except for a rowing boat in the park , and she stood up on the top deck in the bitter grey April wind , and watched the foam and the emptiness and the receding bar of Folkestone , and she thought that she had never seen anything so wonderful in her life .
14 I had never been on a glacier before .
15 Slim women — or those who have successfully been on a diet — often feel deeply disheartened by the fact that diet and exercise alone do not seem to improve these problem areas .
16 By the age of 13 years 24pc have already been on a diet , which is hardly surprising as 38pc do not like the shape
17 I know has so several of you have already been on a training course so you 'll know the sort of er way in which we work and the way things happen .
18 Over lunch I overheard Bernadette say to Sarah who 'd just started with us then , Ricky 's a bit strange at the moment because he 's just been on a course , but he 'll be better next week .
19 I 'm sorry but I just ca n't support this view , what about pride , team confidence ( just imagine what this victory would do to that — considering , correct me if I 'm wrong , but the 3 sides we have beaten away from home are shit , and we have also been on a crap run recently ) , and not to mention a place in Europe — this is a 2nd place 6 pointer .
20 People who have n't been on a council before .
21 There has been coverage with such as yourselves and er the local papers , and we are getting word of mouth enquiries now , but we , we have said it 's for the newly qualified driver and since we 've started this scheme , I would put newly qualified in inverted commas , because we 've had two or three ladies ring us up who 've had four and five years driving experience as such and they 're frightened to death to go on a motorway and have n't been on a motorway .
22 Have n't been on a boat I do n't thi o only like little , you know ,
23 Oh I said , yes she said , I like going on a boat , she said not that I 've been on one she said she 's never been on a boat across
24 Ron and DD Dixon have recently been on a trip .
25 Many young drivers , like Paul Standen , may have passed their test , but have never been on a motorway .
26 You may find that older dogs are nervous under these circumstances , if they have never been on a train or bus before , and you should always try to reassure them with your tone of voice .
27 I have never been on a mountain with so many other people before .
28 I have never been on a diet .
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