Example sentences of "have [adv] been [art] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This has long been a very popular venue for cruise-ship parties , the descent to Monte or to Funchal being made by toboggan .
2 There has perhaps been no more striking an example of the word preceding the deed .
3 On the one hand lay those who had trained in or followed the European tradition of independence and free investigative journalism ; on the other lay a tradition that was also important and which has perhaps been the more lasting .
4 Our Metro has not been a particularly healthy child and its latest illness is a pair of prematurely-worn front seats , the only set with such a problem in the whole of the UK .
5 Husband or wife do get excluded for instance because the marriage has not been a particularly happy one erm and there would therefore be no particular one why the deceased would leave anything to spouses erm but it 's worth saying so if that 's the case , to prevent an action coming along and saying Oi why am I not being there , why have I been left out ?
6 But this has not been a wholly successful operation .
7 It has not been a wholly successful policy .
8 It should be noted , though , that as yet there has not been a long enough period for what is banal and insubstantial to be dropped in favour of what is an enduring renewal of the tradition .
9 ‘ This has not been a very good day , but at least I am still leading the championships , ’ said Mansell .
10 But the purchasing power parity theorem has not been a very successful explanation over short periods because in practice large discre-pancies in real exchange rates have emerged .
11 To my mum who along with my dad helped me my daughter , who I 'm very proud of as now she 's started taking greater interest in G M B. To my mum who at the moment does n't enjoy the best of health , who over the years has had to endure a daughter who , er , on some occasions has not been a very great help to her , has guided me through very difficult times , as mums always do .
12 I quote from what Sir Allen Sheppard of Grand Met said yesterday : ’ One thing which no one could predict a year ago was exactly how long the recession would last This recession has not been an exclusively British phenomenon — as some people would have us believe .
13 Moreover , the impact of the newcomers has not been an entirely detrimental one , even for the locals .
14 In mental health areas this has largely been the more articulate and less seriously disturbed group of sufferers .
15 I myself would seemingly represent the environmental lobby , but there have been others , many ex-members of Harwell , who have been campaigning for a long time now , many years , to get these reactors shut down , and it has just been a very long slog , and eventually the truth has had to come to light to shut these reactors down .
16 Having tried it both ways , I am more comfortable with the single act approach , and in the history of rock management , that has generally been the most successful route .
17 There has always been a strongly suspected link between nuclear power stations and leukaemia and malignant lymphomas .
18 We ought first to remind ourselves that for every type of animal throughout time there has always been a most convenient size that has fitted it neatly into its own niche .
19 Inequality has always been a politically contested issue for it is related to the distribution of power and resources in society .
20 Anti-British hysteria has always been a politically convenient sidetrack for European politicians .
21 Cutting public spending has always been a politically divisive process for a government , as ministers in the major spending departments battle to protect their budgets .
22 ‘ The council has always been a very moderate spender in the past and we should be able to undertake new initiatives this year .
23 ‘ 3D seismic data is critical for resolving subsurface uncertainty , but providing the data has always been a very slow and costly process , ’ he says .
24 Michael has always been a very hard worker and has filled every minute of every day with activity .
25 The Russian army has always been a large one , much larger than those of other continental states , and military spending has always been a disproportionately heavy burden on public finances .
26 The use of one language rather than another has always been a highly political matter .
27 Britain has always been a highly centralized country .
28 It may be the case — I hope it is — that Borg has always been a much happier man than he has seemed , and that his resumption of his old trade is more a matter of idle curiosity about himself than it is a neurotic search for lost identity .
29 SUMMARY : Formation evaluation in the Carboniferous has always been an extremely difficult task due to complex formation properties coupled with adverse logging conditions .
30 This has always been the most controversial of Toscanini 's NBC opera recordings .
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