Example sentences of "have [adv] come [adv prt] with the " in BNC.

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1 The legend recounted how seventy translators had worked in independent cells and had all come up with the identical version of the sacred text .
2 One can speculate that if Mezey had not come up with the idea of dispensing with two hospitals , and of the remaining four being given a quadrant of the region to serve each , the idea that it was an RHA rather than local management responsibility to deal with the issue , might never have stuck in the minds of senior regional officers .
3 Even then , major subscribers like the US and the USSR had not come up with the necessary money .
4 This was odd , since the BBC had just come up with the figures of 301 for the Tories and 298 for Labour .
5 When she had finished she turned to Nara , who had just come back with the things she needed and was peering round the door , as if he was too scared of her magic to come right in .
6 Only a party bigot would claim that they had somehow come in with the Conservative Government three years earlier .
7 They 've also come up with the quaint idea of having a T-shirt recycling stall in the club where you can take your old T-shirts and get a new Dodgy one in exchange .
8 She promised to find out , and she 's just come back with the results .
9 It 's probably come in with the door being open .
10 It 's very new to me ; it 's just too bad that they still have n't come up with the perfect guitar synth .
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