Example sentences of "have [adj] [noun sg] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone has some reason to be afraid of the police , and fear , like money , can be spent on something quite unrelated to what has created it .
2 The Church of Christ has great cause to be thankful to her Lord for the life and work of His servant , Richard Baxter .
3 She has good reason to be pleased .
4 Mr Myers , 45 , has good reason to be pleased with himself .
5 Liz has good reason to be enthusiastic .
6 JIM Boyden , another well remembered North-East MP , has particular cause to be grateful to the NHS .
7 No woman on this earth has any right to be proud , least of all one who comes to her husband with three brats in tow .
8 And by that criterion Vatican II has greater claim to be ecumenical than many of its predecessors .
9 Many locals had had good reason to be grateful to him when times had been hard .
10 We sociologists have had good reason to be stand-offish .
11 In many cases , we have not had enough information to be able to give separate distributions for intraspecific taxa .
12 We might n't have another chance to be alone like this for ages and ages . ’
13 ‘ And he might have good cause to be grateful .
14 Did I not have good reason to be angry with the man ? ’
15 This essay will seek to show Ministers would indeed have good reason to be terrified if ordinary people began preferring constitutional theory to government practice and acted on their preferences in their judgment of politicians .
16 Third , effective operational planning of services for individuals would be fostered by the appointment of care managers who would have more flexibility to be innovative and would also work within a clear system of accountability to senior managers .
17 These are the things that make us afraid , and we build ourselves secure places so as that we ca n't or do n't have any need to be afraid .
18 I do n't have enough contact to be able to say the disadvantages .
19 If it is less than 4 m ( 13 ft ) you wo n't have enough room to be able to manoeuvre yourself comfortably .
20 If market allocation is to be efficient , then the buyers and sellers must have enough information to be able to undertake voluntary exchanges that improve their welfare .
21 Anyone who has completed the City and Guilds course , or who can confidently design their own garments with a charting device for instance , should have sufficient knowledge to be able to use the Professional program .
22 Yeah although the tape 's on I 'll still say I 'll still say I mean there are people within the company as within any company I 'm sure who you when you get to know their technical ability or lack thereof you think well how have they managed to get where they have but they just seem to be able they seem to have this ability to be able to be in the right place at the right time .
23 Simon had little reason to be grateful or even appreciative of Jesus because he did not have a sense of wrong .
24 The monkey had another reason to be happy … it was about to give birth and was looking forward to raising a family .
25 Later on she had good reason to be thankful that she was .
26 By now the French government had become quite brazen about the whole affair and the new French prime minister , Jacques Chirac , publicly stated that France had good reason to be proud of what Mafart and Prieur had achieved , a view that was evidently shared by most people in France .
27 The continuing electoral hegemony of the Conservatives rested not only on the division of the anti-Tory vote between Labour and Liberals , but also on the fact that large numbers of manual and white-collar workers , benefiting from the rapid growth of new industries , services and housing in the Midlands and the South of England , felt that they had good reason to be grateful to the Government .
28 Danzigers had good reason to be apprehensive about the Versailles Treaty arrangements , and they were not alone .
29 She moved , uncomfortably aware that he had good reason to be annoyed .
30 The Communist Party , reduced to a low level , had good reason to be concerned at the threat of a new Left party .
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