Example sentences of "have [adj] [noun] [to-vb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Secretary of State at the Department of Trade and Industry then has complete liberty to accept or reject these recommendations , and to decide whether , and how , they should be acted upon .
2 negotiating team : make sure the other side in any negotiation has complete authority to negotiate and to settle
3 Many college curricula , especially in scientific and technological subjects , subject the student to such a barrage of facts and opinions that he has little chance to pause and assess what has taken place so far .
4 In particular the deterrent effect is weak since the penalties for operating an illegal cartel are inadequate , and the Director General of Fair Trading has few powers to intervene and initiate investigations in situations where there is a suspicion that a secret cartel is in operation .
5 But these campaigns have never been isolated from the fundamental issue of power , the issue of who rules our country , who has this right to make and unmake the law .
6 If the local authority decides to grant consent , the Secretary of State has twenty-eight days to consider whether to call in the case and decide for himself .
7 LIN now has 45 days to decide whether to buy the balance of the franchise .
8 ‘ The butcher has better things to do than make journey upon journey , until we are ready for him . ’
9 Surely it has better things to do than worry about such matters , and Professional Conduct Committees and indeed , the Joint Monitoring Unit , should be concentrating on cases of misbehaviour or improper conduct by its members .
10 He has better things to do than hang around the Tower answering idle questions whilst good men are killed and the murderer walks scot free . ’
11 Sir Nicholas has 28 days to decide whether to refer the sentence to the Court of Appeal .
12 They are carried by it only if the water has enough energy to lift and shift them — that is , if there is a great enough mass of water , moving sufficiently quickly .
13 He has 14 days to appeal but has already been told he must appear before the FA Commission .
14 The court then has wide powers to revoke or suspend the approval , or give directions as to further meetings .
15 But undoubtedly , it is the former United and Burnley player Willie Morgan who has most reason to distrust and dislike Docherty .
16 An enemy who will not stand and fight , and who has sufficient room to move and hide can not be ‘ defeated ’ or absorbed .
17 I said he 'd better things to do than roam about up there . ’
18 Many in the first two categories have had little opportunity to work and build state or private pensions .
19 Following further approaches from my hon. Friend , a direction was issued to South Glamorgan county council on 11 December requiring it not to approve the proposal until the Secretary of State had had more time to consider whether to call in the matter for his own determination .
20 In recent times polytechnics have had greater powers to develop and validate degree programmes internally .
21 The Germans use this model precisely because of their tradition of promoting people in their specialties , especially in research and engineering ; if they did not have available commands in near-independent subsidiaries to put people in , they would have little opportunity to train and test their most promising professionals .
22 CHANCELLOR Norman Lamont produced a neutral 1993 Budget , but people will have less money to spend and invest , according to Alan West , of Suffolk chartered accountants Grant Thornton .
23 It was agreed that the retiring Prime Minister did not have any right to nominate or give binding advice as to his successor , though he might be consulted along with others .
24 The idea is graphically summarised by Alison Norman : ‘ We are all familiar with the advertisements and Christmas begging letters which ask for money in terms which suggest that old people are in danger of hypothermia or social isolation simply because they are old — not because they do not have sufficient incomes to heat and repair their homes or to pay for a taxi or telephone . ’
25 Such points miss the remarks Freud makes about the need for females to have more freedom to express and explore their sexuality , both as children and as young adults .
26 She had little chance to talk or rest , and at lunch time was about to start eating when she noticed d'Urberville approaching .
27 This was a challenging task even for an accomplished side which had little time to acclimatise or practise .
28 After submitting a sample of their photographic work , finalists had 30 minutes to recreate that look in front of a live audience at the show .
29 ‘ Poor people would be much better off if they had fewer children to feed and clothe . ’
30 He had three months to train and equip his force before their first operation in November .
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