Example sentences of "have [verb] that [pron] will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Levin has said that he will seek to reduce debt by selling off $3bn of non-strategic assets .
2 Further to the letter of 1 June from my colleague Vicki Whadcoat concerning the OALDCE 3/e Electronic , I note that in ordering the dictionary Professor Engels has said that you will wish to start the implementation ( ie. inclusion ? ) in Adam & Eve without delay .
3 Charoen Pokphand of Thailand has said that it will invest $1 billion in a petrochemical complex in Linpoh .
4 The company has said that it will license the technology to others .
5 The route of the first shipment--expected sometime this later year--is being kept secret for security reasons , but the government has said that it will try to avoid territorial waters .
6 ICI has said that it will complete its plant closure programme by the end of 1995 .
7 Given that the health board has said that it will have difficulty finding the money for that relocation and upgrading , will the Minister consider favourably any requests that may be made at the meeting ?
8 Because several tutors failed to keep to the new time table for applications the Board has decided that they will have to revert to the original dates for the Written Examination entries .
9 One leading proponent , J.B. Thornes , in contributing to an interdisciplinary symposium in Geography , Archaeology and Environment , affirmed that palaeoenvironmental reconstructions are crucial if the understanding of the ecology of past societies is to be substantially improved ( Thornes , 1983a ) and elsewhere ( Thornes , 1983b ) has advocated evolutionary geomorphology and has anticipated that it will produce major new insights into historical problems such as river terrace formation and his proposal is considered more fully in chapter 8 ( p. 182 ) .
10 Now , as far as Conservatives are concerned , I speak myself and I 'm sure everyone here would offer the same sympathy as the the government has promised that they will do something about this .
11 He has promised that he will build an extension if given money .
12 Celsus is concerned with a case in which somebody has promised that he will ensure no loss is incurred by another person .
13 If someone has promised that he will prevent the promisee suffering any loss , and he does cause that no such loss arises from that matter , he does what he promised ; but if he does not , because he does not do what he promised , he is condemned in a sum of money , as happens in all obligations for performance .
14 The IRA has boasted that it will beat any security measures to fight similar bombings to that in the City last weekend .
15 We also very much welcome the fact that President Moi has announced that he will go forward with multi-party elections , and we hope that he will also enter discussions with opposition groups about the way forward .
16 He has announced that he will join patriotic singer Johnny Lydon , host of the popular British variety program The Johnny Lydon Band Show , in a rendition of the star 's biggest hit , ‘ God Save the Queen . ’
17 , Threatened with US trade sanctions , the Taiwanese government has announced that it will end the use of drift-nets by its fleet in international waters from July 1992 .
18 , The government has announced that it will start a systematic record of accidental catches of dolphins and porpoises .
19 Blackwell Retail has announced that it will open a new 3,200 sq ft academic bookshop in September at the Sheffield Hallam University , the old Sheffield Polytechnic .
20 • ICI has announced that it will build a £4m pilot plant at Widnes , Cheshire , to produce HFC32 ( CH 2 F 2 ) .
21 The European Women 's Tour has announced that it will stage a tournament next year in troubled former Yugoslavia .
22 Digital Equipment Corp has announced that it will offer a new hub backplane , code-named One Hub , in early 1993 , plugging the gap at the high end of the DEChub 90 range and for the first time offering Ethernet , Token Ring , and the Fibre Distributed Data Interface , FDDI , at first , and Asynchronous Transfer Mode high-speed networking technology , when it becomes available , in one product .
23 United Technologies , producers of armaments , elevators , etc. , lost $1.02 billion on revenues of $21.26 billion in 1991 and has announced that it will drop its arts sponsorship programme .
24 Rudolf Egli AG , of Beromunster , has announced that it will switch from making coffins of rare West African abachi wood to locally grown poplar .
25 It has refused to allow inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency of two suspected nuclear sites , and has announced that it will pull out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) in June .
26 The Trinidadian government has announced that it will refuse to authorise any arrangements to dump waste from developed countries in its territory .
27 The USSR has announced that it will make increased use of gas as a petro-chemical feedstock rather than flood the market while demand is weak .
28 Novell has announced that it will make NetWare available on NT .
29 The Netherlands government has announced that it will make available 25 million guilders ( £8 million ) in subsidies to encourage the use of low-sulphur diesel oil in public and freight transport .
30 ICI has announced that it will pioneer a new sulphuric acid recovery ( SAR ) technology at its methyl methacrylate ( MMA ) plant at Billingham on Teesside .
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