Example sentences of "have [verb] it be [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Prime Minister has said it is time for profound look at the future of Europe following the narrow , ’ Yes ’ vote in the French referendum on the Maastricht Treaty and the current sterling crisis .
2 It 's now clear , my Lord Mayor , what the Labour Party has transferred has transferred it 's opposition to Right to Buy in to opposition towards the new Rents to Mortgage .
3 The hospital has over-spent it 's budget for this financial year by £70,000 .
4 Oh anyway , the charter has found it 's way into the Daily Mail , Ann brought a small cutting and erm .
5 When in opposition it has proved it 's policies of a minimum wage , a jobs tax , social charter , support and and s er strikers charter that they would never learn .
6 Scotland 's last remaining independent whisky firm , Invergordon , has lost it 's battle for survival .
7 Erm so really and truly i i you know with what we 'd got it was sort of carrying the business on in a very sort of low way and instead of going round collecting the work it was all done through the post .
8 There is a story , apocryphal no doubt , told by his friends that Bernard , having decided it was time for another move , walked into the offices of a prestigious estate agents one Saturday to see what was available .
9 Britain may have to bide it 's time for it 's next tennis hero …
10 Richmann never noticed the sudden widening of Benny 's eyes , or if he did he must have assumed it was fear at her imminent death .
11 Secondly , I 've decided it 's time for one of my all too infrequent trips to Elland Road .
12 I mean if it ha if somebody had said it was Danny from the Tri-Club I would have had a
13 That WordScan can achieve 100% with some of the tracts we 've fed it is testament to the programmers ' ability and the use of a dictionary .
14 ( WES ) Tonight we look at one small company that 's played it 's part in helping to reduce the dole queues .
15 The campaign to save the Gloucestershire Regiment received a boost today when a cross party group of MP 's published it 's report on army cuts .
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