Example sentences of "have [verb] to [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Her father has to sleep in the same room since he has to attend to her during the night when she may need a bed pan up to four times .
2 This reasoning has also been applied to service in Italy ( which has objected to none of the methods listed in Article 10 ) , with the assertion that Article 10(c) does not authorise a separate method of service .
3 I am a recent subscriber , having recently renewed my subscription for a second year and I have enjoyed every issue that has come to me in the post .
4 Staff are not allowed to anticipate paid leave beyond what has accrued to them at the rate shown on the annual leave slip at the time of going on leave .
5 Erm we are reassuring everyone who has written to us in the that all of the will be taking it fully into consideration when the money application is is considered .
6 Nobody has spoken to him in the way that you have , not for more than a year …
7 And other players will be added to the list after Keegan has spoken to them over the weekend .
8 This is the first time that the award has gone to somebody from the hotel and catering industry , or indeed from the service sector as a whole .
9 It says that at least some of the characteristics of this hyper-individualist people can not be explained by what has happened to them in the Ottoman time and since , because these characteristics predate the Ottomans .
10 Everything that has happened to her over the past year has been genuine , from breaking her thumb to the operation , not to mention all the hassle she has had from standing by her father .
11 I may now have an inkling of what has happened to me over the last few years ; I may have lined up a few suspects , even tentatively put my finger on ‘ who done it ’ ; I may have my own private detectives working alongside the regular police , and we may have made an arrest or two , but the file has not been closed .
12 What has happened to me in the group is that my own perceptions of myself and others have been modified by group norms , which may only be mine marginally .
13 He will shift very rapidly between different representations of the equipment ; the thing itself , his maintenance instructions , the manual , the drawings of the system , verbal discussion with a colleague , his recollection of what has happened to it in the past and so on .
14 What has happened to it in the course of its life ?
15 This short article is to let you know what has happened to us over the last few months .
16 Now given the nature of the coastal economy and what has happened to us in the last ten years or so , we have calculated our conversions through to two thousand and six on a reducing level .
17 So often , what has happened to us in the past determines whether or not we find it easy to trust both ourselves and others emotionally as adults .
18 And everything that has happened to you in the way of learning .
19 I 've had a wonderful run , and I 've enjoyed it hugely and I just ca n't say what it has meant to me over the past four marvellous Ryder Cups .
20 Neither was she too happy about the epithet ‘ min skat ’ , which he 'd applied to her for the second time that day .
21 For the simple reason that we have no debt to finance , we have no debts to finance , and if we 'd listened to you over the years , on our sur surplus land and property .
22 I think it would be when the committee comes to the director of property services and says , we would like this to happen , that 's when we 'd have to come to you before the application
23 BR could have come to us at the outset and said , ’ King 's Cross has to be the location for a whole series of railway reasons , but let us talk about how best to ensure that the building of the station has minimal impact on local people and their lives . ’
24 Forgive others for what they may have done to you in the past ; and forgive yourself as well — you have probably learned much from your mistakes .
25 I would have said to you on the phone we do n't make appointments to go and see people to talk about advertising .
26 She would have to talk to him about the flowers and the salmon .
27 ‘ I said we 'd have to talk to everyone in the darts club , ’ said Burden , stopping down at the water 's edge , ‘ and I reckon we have .
28 Country people may well have to look to themselves in the future , and to the skills of men like Dave Dunn .
29 Members of TI will promote ‘ standards of conduct ’ , though they will not have to keep to them from the start .
30 Teachers would come up smiling — not having spoken to me since the first year and now I was a sixth former .
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