Example sentences of "have [verb] in [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The value transferred is to be reduced by the value of any other interest in possession in the property to which the beneficiary becomes entitled at the same time or by the amount of any consideration in money or money 's worth which he has received in respect of the determination or disposal .
2 The rate of tax payable is arrived at by reference to the total of that value and the value of any previous chargeable transfers made by the beneficiary , but that value is to be reduced by the value of any other interest in possession in the property to which he becomes entitled at the same time or by the amount of any consideration in money or money 's worth which he has received in respect of the termination or disposal of the interest .
3 Nonetheless , democratic elitists emphasize that centralization of resource distribution and even policy control has developed in parallel with a continuing ( and for a long time expanding ) role for sub-national governments as agents of policy implementation .
4 The enormous rise in the economic value of her work has developed in tandem with the increased critical and popular response to her particular blend of naive style and incisive content .
5 Whatever the original stock , the breed has developed in isolation during the last two centuries .
6 1993 is a year to really find the right person , so it may be that an unsatisfactory relationship has to go in order for the appropriate one to come in .
7 My hon. Friend has commented in detail on the transcript of that hearing , including the statements by the witness , Mr. Farrell ; the differences of opinion about the handwriting on the receipt ; whether someone might have stolen the receipt book and forged the receipt ; unsupported allegations about previous examples of Mr. Brand 's paperwork being missing ; and the apparent lack of follow-up to the mother 's original letter .
8 Mrs Bird has fallen in love with a very rich man who has lots of servants and keeps birds said Paddington .
9 That she could not find a simple solution to the problems of women in marriage can be seen from two poems entitled ‘ Mira to Octavia ’ which advise a young woman who has fallen in love with an unsuitable man .
10 The record buyer who has fallen in love with the band , and goes to see them play , is often disappointed by a lacklustre show .
11 Despite the lines round her mouth and the flecks of grey in her hair , there was a bloom in her cheeks and her eyes shone like those of a girl who has fallen in love for the first time .
12 Eric Skoglund , the environmental officer on the UN-sponsored Mekong Committee , has resigned in protest at the committee 's determination to go ahead with the building of a huge dam on the Thai-Laotian border " regardless of the potential environmental costs " .
13 In addition , the temporal basis of North American forest use has varied in relation to the extension of early colonial settlers across the continent , but as Table 8.1 illustrates , the turning-point in US forest history came in 1891 with the General Revision Act .
14 The Chinese parliament has voted in favour of the controversial Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze river , the biggest hydro-electric project in the world , which will be capable of generating one-eighth of all the power now produced in China .
15 You are liable to find that every time you go to use your car one of any number of people has parked in front of the garage and that neither painted notices nor threats will deter them .
16 The concern of these groups has grown in response to a perceived widening of the gap between cherished moral values and actual day-to-day behaviour .
17 The use of music in worship in New Zealand has grown in quantity as a result of greater congregational singing , but its quality is said by a correspondent to have declined greatly .
18 Credit has grown in importance as a method of finance .
19 The law and order lobby has grown in strength during the Conservative ascendancy .
20 He has written in reference to a property in Hoo , " This is owned by Mr Henry Golding of Upper Halling who we find is of Langridge Manor " .
21 In The Maldive Mystery Thor Heyerdahl has written in relation to the Indus Valley kingdoms of north-west India :
22 Aberbach , Putnam and Rockman ( 1981 ) use survey data and case study reports to demonstrate the relative influence of politicians and bureaucrats and the emergence of an increasing overlapping of roles as state authority has expanded in response to the political demands of newly mobilized groups .
23 As already stated the EC has decided in favour of a currency union .
24 Suppose now that the Chancellor has decided in favour of the petitioner , and has held that the land which legally belongs to the defendant ought to belong , or , ‘ in conscience ’ , in equity , morally , does belong to the petitioner .
25 Pruning in the second and subsequent years should try to begin a routine or system — and only your cultivation and experience will determine this — of removing wood that has flowered in proportion to the amount and vigour of new wood that the individual plant puts up .
26 In short , the marked growth recorded by the CDA in the industrial co-operative sector has occurred in spite of the special impediment to which it is subject .
27 The fact that the change in semen quality has occurred in parallel with a considerable increase in the incidence of testicular cancer and other genitourinary abnormalities reinforces our view that our findings should be considered seriously .
28 This protective behaviour has occurred in reaction to the threat which publicity poses to the discretion with which the agencies would treat deviants — themselves and others .
29 The Wellcome Foundation Trust , a charitable arm of the Wellcome drug company set up to fund medical research , has agreed in principle to a request to pay for the three-year investigation .
30 Mr W. F. G. Plowden has agreed in principle to the Society having the Bishop 's Castle Railway goods van , at present used as a shed at Eaton Station House — but the Society will have to provide a shed in lieu .
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