Example sentences of "have [verb] [v-ing] on [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He has gone missing on previous occasions but he has always returned within a short time .
2 Something similar has started appearing on British television , so if they have to be shown surely the details could be kept to a minimum and shown for the shortest possible time .
3 Many patients said that they had had to avoid lying on one side ( not always the side of pain ) from the onset of their symptoms .
4 Government ministers now boasted of having increased spending on higher education and struck an expansionist note in calling for doubling student numbers over the next twenty-five years .
5 I could n't see the washing when I come out of Googie 's and I said I 've got washing on that line and I said I ca n't see no there ai n't no washing on that line .
6 However , there was unease among conservative KMT members not only at his Taiwanese ( as opposed to mainland Chinese ) origins but also at his calls for rapid reform , exemplified by the 1990/91 budget which had increased spending on foreign policy by 50 per cent but decreased defence spending .
7 In 1984 the Inland Revenue 's Special Investigations Section , led by W , investigated the company 's affairs , and it was concluded that Stipplechoice had ceased trading on 25 October 1977 when the Meadowbank development was sold .
8 The company denied that it had ceased trading on 25 October , and the accounts included purchases , unrelated to the Meadowbank development , which substantially exceeded the value of stock in the period 's balance sheet .
9 While Mountbatten was still alive , Charles had begun working on many projects and had become enthused by what he could do to help the young and the disadvantaged ; he was fired by what needed to be done in the inner cities and keen to find ways of defusing racial tension .
10 Despite the immense firing power of the city , they had to cease relying on simple blockade and long-range cannon .
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