Example sentences of "have [verb] [pers pn] could [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I should 've guessed she could n't keep a secret .
2 The Appeal Court has cleared Stefan Kiszko of the murder of eleven-year-old , Lesley Molseed , sixteen years ago.Forensic evidence has shown he could not have been the killer .
3 Ah ! rang , you should have said you could n't pick me up cos you 'd been to the pub .
4 You 'd have thought it could n't go wrong , would n't you ?
5 I might have known we could n't keep you within bounds …
6 We should have known we could n't prolong it once we 'd agreed that it had to end . ’
7 She should have known she could n't forget Undry and hope everything would just stop .
8 But there was that unmistakable and disquieting reaction to the knocking on the door , and then the pointless deception which followed ; pointless , because he must have known he could not get away with it .
9 He must always have known he could n't do anything with me .
10 They 'd managed to get through two whole sentences there without snapping each other 's heads off — she should have known it could never last .
11 It would also have meant he could not take up his place at Yale Law School , which he felt was an essential part of his preparation for political life .
12 When they said he could n't have a parrot he 'd said ‘ Well , mice , then , white ones , ’ but his Dad had said he could n't have them either .
13 When it became known that the Government had said it could not afford to honour Nelson 's wishes and help her out , the tradesmen to whom she still owed money closed in .
14 She had said she could n't stand living in such close proximity to quite so many facial quirks , but there was something deeper in her decision to take a small flat near the school .
15 Mr Warburton told the Newton inquiry that he had felt he could not have ‘ sensible or rational ’ discussions with the CIOR over the matter .
16 Kate had felt she could not stay in that house a moment longer .
17 Mr Penna said Mrs Watson 's death was a sad case of a hardworking and healthy woman who had decided she could not live without her husband .
18 And that same me , who twenty-four hours earlier had decided she could never go back to Harwich , would be on her way there tomorrow .
19 Cos I 've I 've thought about a kit before but for the money I 've got I could n't do what I really wanted .
20 I 've never taken it seriously before , because I 've known it could n't happen .
21 Here at the hospital , she had been so realistic about it , had known it could never develop into anything real .
22 No one is ever fully prepared for bereavement , and even if her husband 's terminal illness was one from which she had known he could not hope to recover , his death will still have come as a shock to her which may create a feeling of numbness and unreality : .
23 Yesterday , back down the order , Hick reacted to England 's latest batting crisis with a confidence many had feared he could never show at top level .
24 At one stage in her career , it had seemed you could n't open up a rock paper or one of the tabloids without seeing her tumbling golden mane and her lazy catlike smile captured by one of the many photographers who seemed to dog her every step .
25 ‘ In the end she had to realise she could n't manipulate me — that I did n't love her and never had in the true sense of the word .
26 At the time , with the glasses on , she had imagined she could faintly discern the shape of a skull under Cheeks ' plump face .
27 ‘ After what had happened I could n't face trying to contact you .
28 He listened silently , simply nodding when she had finished He could never marry her and he had no right to stand in the way of any happiness she could find .
29 Jack Butler had discovered he could still love .
30 ‘ Maxim , ’ before the Ambassador had to admit he could n't remember , either .
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