Example sentences of "have [verb] [adj] [noun pl] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A week earlier , Arsenal 's George Graham blamed a referee for his side 's defeat and indiscipline and Manchester United 's Alex Ferguson has blamed other teams for trying too hard !
2 It also requires auditors to satisfy themselves that the local authority concerned ‘ has made proper arrangements for securing economy , efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources ’ .
3 The grinding together of internationally mobile capital and intellectual resources against immobile labour has produced acute dilemmas for choosing policy and reconciling conflicting objectives .
4 The discovery of oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes has opened new avenues for exploring the control of cellular growth in health and disease .
5 These monopolies are jealously guarded : the Law Society has prosecuted unqualified individuals for performing services which are defined as a legal monopoly of the law profession .
6 Teesdale district councillor Newton Wood , who is chairman of the local Citizens ' Advice Bureau management committee , has criticised fellow councillors for shaving £5,000 off £15,000 extra earmarked for the group by the finance committee .
7 The centre has implemented effective systems for ensuring that consistent standards are applied to the evaluation of the candidates ' work and that the standards comply with those specified in the unit/model .
8 Thus , the Secretary of State has to show reasonable grounds for believing ( in this broadened sense ) that the local authority was acting unreasonably .
9 Cleveland AntiFascist Association has congratulated mainstream candidates for refusing to share a platform with British National Party candidate Donald Clarke .
10 For all I know , Léon Cohn-Casson might have had substantial reasons for believing in his invulnerability .
11 ‘ Perhaps not , and he may have had sentimental reasons for going to the little hut , but I want to be sure .
12 The writers had developed bibliometric indicators for analysing research group performance within two large faculties of the University .
13 ‘ Sub-Committees and Sub-Sub-Committees ( of the NEC ) had produced grandiose proposals for nationalising anything and pretty nearly everything .
14 It was said that the report had advocated crude measures for dealing with a complex problem , and that not enough was known about the patterns of library use and the effects of browsing , literature obsolescence , or other factors , to put the future of university libraries at risk by wholesale withdrawals from stock at this stage of their development .
15 Both the Indonesian and Malaysian governments have criticized Western countries for failing to provide assistance to tackle the fires , and have accused the West of demonstrating hypocrisy in attacking forestry policy in the region while failing to respond to the crisis .
16 While a great deal has been discovered about the physiology of sleep , and psychologists have developed reliable techniques for establishing when people are likely to be dreaming , there has not been an equivalent amount of progress in understanding the nature of dreams .
17 Just as scientists have developed special techniques for overcoming bias and artifact , such as the ‘ double blind ’ procedure , so would policemen have to invent concrete measures to overcome the problems they meet .
18 ‘ We have made various recommendations for strengthening the rural school , but it is evident that effective re-organisation will demand the closure of schools which are ceasing to meet the needs of the community , and the creation of larger schools in the right locations . ’
19 It is notable that in the United Kingdom , for example , ministers have prosecuted civil servants for releasing information to Parliament .
20 The regular meetings of the Directors SEHE group have provided excellent opportunities for networking and sharing information .
21 The idea that regimes in developing countries have institutionalized specific mechanisms for dealing with TNCs , and vice versa , has been conceptualized in terms of the ‘ triple ’ or ‘ tripartite ’ alliance between the host state , the TNCs and the outward oriented elements in the indigenous bourgeoisie .
22 Bob Hopkins , Anglican church planting co-ordinator , and George Lings , database organiser , have identified various motivations for starting new congregations of this kind .
23 It must fit our practice , and we have discovered important reasons for believing that conventionalism does not .
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