Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv prt] for [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is erm a chap down our road had a had a huge dog and when he when he took it for a walk , you know he used to he used to stagger along with him and my wife used to say there he goes again , the do what was it she used to say , the dog 's taking the man for a walk again and it i do you think it 's that sort of idea you know that in some households th the dog takes over from the er sort of central figure , even the dominant figure , things hinge round the dog , you know the holiday what shall we do with the dog , pouring down with rain but the dog has to go out for its walk and somebody has to take it .
2 Jomeo is endearingly accident-prone and forever unsuccessful with females ; Gigi , by contrast , is wildly popular with the opposite sex and has made up for her childlessness by becoming a universal aunt to other females ' babies .
3 When old Aaron Tyson from Limestone Hill sold to the greengrocer 's the turnips he 'd stacked up for his sheep .
4 ‘ I think , Miss Everett , ’ he cut in before she could tell him that Travis had only called to apologise when he 'd stopped by for his car , ‘ that it might be in your interests not to see him again . ’
5 And what hours did you have to put in for your Home Guard duty ?
6 Mrs Murphy would be in the kitchen , Barnes would have gone back for his supper .
7 Oxford should have gone in for their half-time cuppa. 1-0 up .
8 Motorola Inc has put Intel Corp on the spot with its decision to price the first iterations of the PowerPC chip at $280 each for the 50MHz 601 and $374 each for the 66MHz 601 in quantities of 20,000 or more , since these are about half the prices Intel had pencilled in for its Pentium chips ( CI No 2,156 ) .
9 And anyway , by now the son of the house had come in for his midday meal , turned on the television , created havoc out of the quiet day .
10 One evening at Pack Meeting Beegee , which was the name the Pack had made up for their Guider out of the initial letters B and G of Brownie Guider , told the Brownies that the County Girl Guides ' Fete was to be held in a few weeks ' time in Morley Park and that the 3rd Shortfields Pack must think what to do to help make the fete a huge success .
11 Thomas 's house , which he could barely keep up , was run mostly on the income from a small chain of modern toy shops that he had built up for his wife over the years .
12 Ordinarily she would have relished the variety which the creators of Moloch had offered up for her pleasure without a qualm or a second thought , but this time something was getting to her , making her nervous .
13 Milwall have the lead that 's the important thing here it came over at the far side of the penalty area , had got up for it Ray and the Kennedy there was also a Middlesbrough foot in there .
14 And all these pleasures , these frail joys that her most stringent discipline over the last couple of night-time hours had summoned up for her memory , they were simply not enough .
15 He had been Senior British Officer in command of the prisoners in the orphanage and he had received considerable help from the people of Fontanellato ; eventually he had been helped to reach Switzerland , Now , suddenly , a few months before the date we had settled on for our marriage , he began to worry about the idea of one of his officers ( who made no claims to any sort of upper-class lineage ) marrying the daughter of a village schoolmaster .
16 Two of the walls were covered with his drawings and paintings and on one wall were shelves that Tom had fixed up for his clothes and treasures .
17 Collins was the other striking contributor within Scotland 's side , tirelessly continuing at international level where he had left off for his club in Saturday 's Old Firm game and looking unaffected by the demands of a workload which had caused wholesale disruption to the national team elsewhere .
18 He looked exactly the same except for his hair , which Hari had shaved off for his experiments and which had now grown into a furry black stubble through which the numbered segments of his skull could still be faintly perceived .
19 Certainly many parents seemed genuinely bewildered upon learning the nature of the job he had lined up for their offspring .
20 He had ridden out for his mother 's people as well , and finally , he had joined with the people of the Court , ‘ For ’ l he had thought , ‘ it is my people , my half-brother the Gruagach seek to drive out . ’
21 The Institute seems to be rather vaguely organized , as they still have n't been able to tell me what students I am teaching — my teaching , it turns out , does n't start until Monday , but I have heard that an abnormally large number of students have signed up for my course , so I shall have a lot of marking of papers to do at the end of four weeks .
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