Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [num] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Since 1990 , the number of people employed by BP Oil worldwide ( excluding service station staff ) has fallen by about 4,800 to xx , xxx .
2 The Brasserie , which they had hoped would equal L'Auberge 's trade , has only averaged 60 covers per day , and L'Auberge itself has fallen off from 90 in 1984 to 75 in 1985 .
3 May I remind him that inflation has come down from 10.9 to 3.7 per cent. , that interest rates have been cut by 4.5 percentage points and that we have the lowest level of inflation for 25 years — below that of west Germany .
4 He has grown up as one of ‘ the orphans of the plague ’ who roam the streets of the city in the aftermath of the plague and of the fire that followed it .
5 Most are in primary schools where the average class size has shot up from 26.1 to 28.8 in two years .
6 If they do so they will find a small lady 's reticule which has slipped down behind one of the seat coverings .
7 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that spending on disability benefits by this Government has increased by over 150 per cent. , in contrast to the policies advocated by the Labour party , the priorities of which are pensions and child benefits ?
8 At the Civic Theatre , despite a lower number of performances last year , attendance has gone up from 112,000 to 113,000 .
9 Sure enough , due to prospects this year of a vintage declaration and an estimated shortfall of supply over demand ( although the latest estimated harvest figure has gone up from 250 to 274 million bottles ) , the price per kilo of grapes was fixed at 26.77 French francs , a 13.78 per cent increase over last year .
10 Police figures show that the detection rate for crime in Airdrie has gone up from 30 to 70 per cent since the cameras were installed .
11 May we have an urgent inquiry into why , over the past three years , the number of complaints against the health service in Lewisham and North Southwark has gone up by 100 per cent. , why there have been 30 complaints already this year and why serious complaints of maladministration and negligence have been made against Guy 's , King 's College and St.
12 Nevertheless , does the Minister agree that the number of defence jobs in the north-west has gone down from 23,000 in 1985-86 to only 12,000 in 1989-90 , a cut of almost 50 per cent .
13 So i i i in a sense this has gone back to one of Mao 's early views , except that , that there is a difference now in that er the land is being redistributed for ownership whereas for Mao earlier it was , it was for your use .
14 Alcohol has edged down from 80 to 78 per mille , but leisure services have risen from 32 per mille to 62 , entirely as a result of the inclusion for the first time of foreign holidays , which are now deemed to account for 30 per mille ( 3 per cent ) of the cost of living .
15 But , yes , it was in front of the Ministry of Defence , and he 'd jumped out of one of the windows .
16 That 's where the real problem lies , if you could have had the P A , if you could have gone into the cupboard and got it , even though we 'd turned up at ten past six ,
17 After her death , he 'd moved out into one of the back rooms , and Aunt Ruth — although she supposed she 'd have to stop thinking of her in that way — had taken the other .
18 He 'd pulled up behind one of the newspaper vans , except it was n't a newspaper van .
19 Me , I I mean , I 've done I 've done no work today because I went out to collect some stuff of a friend this morning and by the time I came in it was quarter past ten and I 'd gone out at ten to nine so I 'd missed the schools
20 He 'd climbed on to one of the great beams which supported the arch , tied a length of rope round it and , fastening the noose around his neck , simply stepped off the great stone plinth .
21 She would have handed over to one of her colleagues , but somehow she just felt this case needed her personal attention .
22 ‘ Otherwise she 'd have gone over to one of the boys .
23 At ten o'clock that same night , while Suor Eusebia was engaging the carabinieri in conversation , he would have to get out of one of the upper windows of the building and slide down a drainpipe .
24 The Great Plague of London is said to have broken out in 1665 in a marshy district known as the Seven Dials , and it was especially prevalent along the old river Fleet .
25 ‘ I still believe I 've come up with one of the greatest innovations of modern times .
26 Yeah that 's what I 've come in for twenty for .
27 In his memoirs the former president writes , ‘ At the beginning of my second term , Congress , the bureaucracy and the media were still working in concert to maintain the ideas and ideology of the traditional Eastern liberal establishment that had come down to 1973 through the New Deal , the New Frontier , and the Great Society . ’
28 Mala had come out in one of her crumpled dark coveralls .
29 It was in the sleeve of a classical album which Rakovsky 's junior secretary had picked up from one of Berlin 's best-known music shop on the Tiergarten .
30 Proctors had to give up to twenty to fifty per cent of their fees for custom received through petition-drawers .
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