Example sentences of "have [verb] [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It wants vendors to use the P5 code name until the chip is formally announced , and has invited employees to come up with a new name that stresses 80386 and 80486 compatibility — so the RISC 86 suggestion did not get a warm welcome .
2 NASA has announced plans to collect up to 1 terabyte ( 10¹2 ; bytes ) /day .
3 The Home Secretary Michael Howard has announced measures to cut down on the amount of police paperwork and put more officers back onto the streets .
4 It 's the same job as an editor of a publication has to get writers to go along without it all sounding like he wrote it or she wrote it , and the , but a good editor can figure out how to do that and a good writer likes it because it means erm they 'll go together or work better and readers will like it , understand it .
5 High levels of mercury have been reported from Faroese for some years , and the Health Department there has advised islanders to cut down on the amount of whalemeat they eat .
6 Curtis had closed that side door twice but I 'd found reasons to go back through , the dogs ' bowls , checking the padlock on the cellar and , somehow , I did n't bother to shut it .
7 Clearly Whiteson is suspicious that Duran may not have shed 30lb to get down to the middleweight limit for Leonard by wholly natural methods .
8 He must be caught in it as he could n't possibly have had time to get back to where he was staying yet .
9 The government announced on Oct. 2 that it was to postpone until the end of 1991 the enactment of a controversial bill which would have allowed Japan to send up to 2,000 troops abroad as part of its contribution to UN peacekeeping forces in Cambodia and elsewhere .
10 There is no reason to think that disturbance was any greater in glacial times , though there was a cooling and 10–20% less precipitation in the monsoon rains that could have allowed savannas to take over in what are today ecotonal areas .
11 ‘ I am going to have ruptured eardrums to go along with my mangled shoulder . ’
12 She had expected Fernando to turn up at the airport with his arms full of red roses and promises .
13 She had expected Fen to drive back into Little Kirkton , to one of the restaurants there , but instead he headed out into the country .
14 And if Emily had expected Craig to ride in on a white charger and save the day , she had been doomed to disappointment .
15 He can claim , whether truthfully or not , that he had recommended clients to come in at exactly the right times .
16 The settlers had claimed legal ownership of the houses in October and had made efforts to move in to the Silwan sector at that time , but the police had prevented them from doing so after the Attorney General , Yosef Harish , had recommended that they be barred from the properties on security considerations .
17 He had made arrangements to drive up to London tomorrow .
18 ‘ I 've got things to look over in my office . ’
19 So I 've got time to sit down for five minutes before we go out ai n't I ?
20 What had happened was that O had been at home , not sleeping , thinking about Boy at six in the morning , and he had called up and said , ‘ Are you watching TV , ’ to which Boy had replied , as the man had heard , ‘ Yes , ’ and then O had told Boy to turn over to the boxing ; he 'd just said , ‘ Get up and change to the third channel .
21 Margaret Allan , 35 , a student , told Margaret Paton , the depute fiscal , that her son had had permission to stay out until 9 pm on the evening he disappeared .
22 It was not a job that Ernie Brewer had had time to get around to , with all the other demands the garden made on his time .
23 The Tuesday morning was overcast and dull with none of the compensating crispness that had helped Forester to crawl back to an alert state on previous days .
24 ‘ In the past , I 've used researchers to dig around in libraries , but I 've always done all the hard work myself , and certainly all the major interviews .
25 ‘ You 've invested capital to tie in with their distribution system .
26 Only once , last autumn , had there been an unnerving lift , a well-dressed man in a Mercedes , who had wanted Luke to drive on towards Devon with him , had offered him dinner and a night at a hotel , had put his hand high up on Luke 's thigh , and been altogether menacing .
27 The girl had struck her three times on the right thigh , just where the once-broken bone was , and had taken care to stay out of the field of her optic burner .
28 And I 've borrowed money to go out to shops in the first place
29 The investigators have already tested children in primary schools in Peterborough and have had permission to go back to further test these as well as to test in Bedford and Luton .
30 He could , perfectly casually have asked Lorrimer to stay on after the meeting ; why had n't he ?
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