Example sentences of "have [verb] [conj] [pron] [be] only " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , archaeologists now believe it was due to agricultural mismanagement combined with a booming population , for investigation of a major palace in the site at Copan , Honduras , has revealed that there was only a small contingent of specialist workers employed in constructing the elaborate structure , in other words that this was not enough to overburden the economy as is sometimes alleged to be the cause of the collapse of that civilization .
2 More recent research has shown that it is only some carbohydrate foods which cause this problem , not all of them .
3 And now Terry has gone and there 's only Mother to cope with — and a long , sterile life looming in front of me — without my little Ellie , who briefly brought some sunshine in .
4 The Japanese historian Irokawa Daikichi has suggested that it was only when the economic plight of the early 1880s failed to respond to this conventional morality that some of the lower classes were forced to break out of their limitations in the violent incidents of the time .
5 Marie thought of her own mother with her frumpy clothes and ageing , lined face : no one would have guessed that she was only forty-two .
6 But then what else could she have expected as she was only clad in a thin night-gown .
7 But I should have done because there were only two channels in those days and people were addicted to TV .
8 He considered the matter as he might have done when he was only half a century old in what he still called the ‘ swinging ’ sixties , when lunch for two might be had at Alvaro 's for a five pound note and his column ‘ Jottings ’ by Haverford Downs in the weekly Informer had been described on the wireless as ‘ Max Beerbohm with a social conscience ’ .
9 She was enjoying herself so much that she stayed on the floor longer than she should have done and it was only when she saw Mrs Freer making furious faces at her from the doorway that she turned and glided back .
10 THE LIDs OVER the cannons ' eyes slid open as the pirogues approached ; the watch would have thought that he was only imagining the narrow prows breaking the black water , but the order had been given , ‘ Full alert ’ , and so the English sailor trusted his eyes and raised the alarm .
11 rubbish should have gone and it was only the
12 Both his parents had died when he was only 15 .
13 His parents had died when he was only ten , she recalled , and , as her heart went out to him , all enmity in her against him ended .
14 For a moment he imagined he was in another world , a simple uncomplicated world : a world where there was no place down below in the valley where men were being prepared for war ; that there was no place in Northumberland where a woman sat in a room all day with only her thoughts for company ; that there was no one called Carrie Smith ; that the world had dwindled and there was only this secluded garden and a secluded house , as had been said , with the hills to the back of it and the river at its feet and two women so unalike , yet alike : so understanding , so thoughtful of each other , and not only of each other , but of him .
15 but I mean I , I still think at the end of the day that , you know , we , we , we , we still have to realize that we are only looking at , at a minute erm area of China and therefore you know how , how relevant is it .
16 While few serious historians have defended Communist excesses , some have argued that it was only the strategy in whose name they were committed that enabled the Republic to fight on for as long as it did .
17 Now that we are playing on an increasingly crowded stage , with 24 Western countries concerting economic assistance to Eastern Europe , and 35 countries negotiating over Europe 's future security , we have to recognise that we are only one voice among many .
18 They 're on a worldwide scale rather than a national scale , but you have to recognise that there are only so many hours in the day in which you can be efficient .
19 From this and from the particle 's measured lifetime , physicists at CERN have deduced that there are only three families of fundamental particles .
20 The Chinese have insisted that it is only a matter between sovereign powers but British officials insist that local legislators have the final word on any Sino-British deal .
21 For him it held a special appeal ; the one day of the week he could break bread with his family and not have to feel that they were only loaned to him for the while — his son Joshua had no business to go to , his grandson Jacob no college lectures .
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