Example sentences of "have [verb] [pron] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 finally only one of junior teams has made it through to the third round of the cup …
2 She has opened me up to the world of tennis , although I do admit that I only take an interest because of her .
3 Then , deciding she was no political , just another stroppy trucker , they 'd handed her over to the locals , which was a big relief .
4 I 'd worked it out to the last breath .
5 He had n't meant to say it , but it was the effect of the beer and the movement of the ship and her sophistication , all things he could n't cope with together , so he 'd taken her down to the bar and they 'd had a couple more drinks to restore his confidence before the boat docked .
6 Hermann Neuberger , the chairman of the International Football Federation World Cup organising committee , said players who had been shown the yellow card once during qualifying games would not have to carry it over to the finals .
7 Hermann Neuberger , the chairman of the International Football Federation World Cup organising committee , said players who had been shown the yellow card once during qualifying games would not have to carry it over to the finals .
8 Maybe I should have turned it over to the locals … ’
9 She 'd have had him back to the manufacturers for radical restructuring .
10 There could only be one reason why Ross — always such a proud and unforgiving man — would have broken his own self-imposed exile and contacted her ; only one reason why he would have brought her back to the quiet privacy of her own apartment .
11 It would have suited you down to the ground . ’
12 He 's gon na give it into Mericlean and Mericlean , just said we 'll have to send it off to the tax office to get your tax code changed .
13 He would have escorted her back to the Old Rectory and then , a minor social obligation performed , turned with relief to walk alone to the abbey , drawing his solitude around him like a cloak .
14 And like well I said to her I said well then Sandy would have put it down to the fact she did that bad in her ballet .
15 If I 'd had my hat I 'd have taken it off to the guy .
16 She could have taken herself off to the local Italian with her child and a book of her own , for Kate also likes reading though her tastes are less morbific .
17 But Laura was a piranha ; she 'd have chewed him down to the bone if he had let her .
18 ‘ Mrs Richards , if you wo n't let me call an ambulance , I 'll have to take you through to the sick bay here , and nurse you myself .
19 ‘ Well , get your best friend to take you home , ’ said the first constable , ‘ or we might have to take you down to the station for the good of your health . ’
20 ‘ Get up and behave yourself or Marie will have to take you back to the nursery , ’ their father ordered .
21 The young , untrained dog must have chased them up to the edge of the pit , where they fell to their death .
22 It would even be worth surrendering his prey , to have brought him down to the ignominy of lying to excuse himself .
23 It struck her that he seemed to have tacked himself on to the others .
24 Whitlock shoved Karen out of the way and had to fling himself on to the bonnet of a BMW as the Mercedes flashed past , missing him by inches .
25 Like Croydon , Penge U.D.C. had the right to purchase its tramways in each seventh year on granting six months ' notice , but if it did , it had to lease them back to the Company .
26 There were hundreds of screaming women outside and we had to whisk him down to the underground car park and shut the gates behind him .
27 On the same day Schalck-Golodkowski ( who had given himself up to the West Berlin authorities on Dec. 7 — see p. 37107 ) was released in West Berlin because there were reportedly insufficient grounds on which to open legal proceedings against him .
28 The attack also came only hours after Juan David Ochoa , 42 , a leading Medellín cartel leader , had given himself up to the authorities ; his two younger brothers were already in custody after accepting a government offer of reduced sentences and no extradition in return for their surrender and confession [ see pp. 37772 ; 37851 ; 37914 ] .
29 Official accounts of the trial noted that although he had been involved in plotting the occupation of Tiananmen Square , he had given himself up to the police and had shown " repentance " .
30 From the beginning of their history , the amphibians were hunters , preying on the worms , insects and other invertebrates that had preceded them on to the land .
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