Example sentences of "have [verb] [pron] [conj] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But , says Hall modestly and realistically , ‘ Drilling has taught us that the first models we worked with were only the simplest of a large number of possibilities that were consistent with the observations .
2 Psychoanalysis has made unfamiliar with the intimate connection between the father-complex and belief in God ; it has shown us that a personal God is psychologically nothing other than an exalted father , and it brings us evidence every day of how young people lose their religious beliefs as soon as their father 's authority breaks down .
3 Someone has told me that a new carb would help , someone else reckons the distributor would be best changed .
4 Dominican thinker Matthew Fox informs us that a friend of his has told him that the right side of the brain is all about awe .
5 Market research has told us that the average Punch reader is an ABC1 25–40-year-old male with a suspiciously large collection of unopened bottles of soda water .
6 The matter that has given me most cause for admiration is the way in which he has conducted himself while the horrible events have gone on and been reported in the press .
7 ‘ My wife has informed me that the two boys who attacked you stole your handbag . ’
8 ‘ She met some guy in there that day , some guy she used to go with , and he must 've said something because the next thing anyone knew , she was screaming at him , Pete was in the bar the morning after , he said the window was all over the floor , apparently she 'd thrown an ashtray at the guy and it had missed and taken the whole window out instead , and when he took her by the arm and tried to calm her down , she shook him off and ran out of the bar , right out in the street , and like I said , it was the bottom of a hill and there was a truck coming — ‘
9 If this had not happened nothing could have stopped him and the whole party would have been dragged down after him .
10 I would have suspected nothing if the counterfeit Taplow had not made reference to Purgatory .
11 Yes , United should have seen it and a third strike would have killed Charlton off , but Oxford began to lose fire power .
12 He could have told her about the IRA kidnapping him , but that would have alarmed her and the whole household .
13 It is surprising that New Scientist should have convinced itself that the nuclear weapons policy of the SDP is ‘ indistinguishable ’ from that of the government .
14 She 'd surely have told me if a rich relative had left him somethin' — I 'm sure she would .
15 It would have helped him if the two most awkward customers in the political equation — Sinn Fein and the DUP — had been given a drubbing by the SDLP and the Ulster Unionists respectively .
16 It would have bothered me though a few years ago .
17 Sober reflection would have shown him that the sensible procedure would have been to phone the police and get them to ask the Bomb Disposal Squad to come and check the bag out .
18 ‘ We regret to have to inform you that a further breach has now come to our attention and we are instructed by our clients to write to you about it .
19 The Nuremberg Trials lifted the scales from the eyes of many Germans , and later OMGUS surveys reported that only one in eight ( 12 per cent ) of those questioned in the American Zone recalled trusting Hitler as Leader up to the end of the war , while 35 per cent claimed never to have trusted him and a further ( 6 per cent to have kept faith in him only until the outbreak of war .
20 New copper washers under the dome fixing nuts appears to have cured them but a new ‘ 0 ’ ring on the breather seat still allows the oil to pass through and over the engine .
21 I would hate to have to tell him that a new type of gentleman has taken over the clubs and boardrooms , a man who does not consider dishonesty the property of the criminal classes and who , moreover , believes that the notion of the gentleman is negotiable .
22 No one used the cloakroom where Jarvis 's grandfather had hanged himself and no grown-up person ever would .
23 Oh course I can Erm there was a game that we called er Tin Lurky You probably wo n't well you never hear that expression now and er we used to get this old t any tin can and er you somebody would kick it you see and er the one that was sort of one used to have to fur and fetch this tin an bring it back again and then was should all hide , sounds a daft silly game , I know , but this one had to find us and the first one he found it was his turn next to fetch the tin and then find us again .
24 We 've done it since the oldest was five , so why stop it now , a mere 20 odd years later ?
25 He declared that 90 per cent of Indonesians belonged to this class of small farmers , labourers , urban workers : and he did not direct his attack upon the other 10 per cent but upon the Dutch who had exploited them and the Chinese entrepreneurs who lived off their labour .
26 After we 've seen him and the young ladies have finished their calls I want you to take Irene Charial aside . ’
27 Goodnight says Steve Jobs had promised him that the NeXT boxes would sell in serious numbers , but now admits that that particular offering ‘ is n't making us any money . ’
28 And you 've helped her and the little darling with BUPA out of the goodness of your heart — ’
29 People who had persuaded him that the only safe time to take out the dog was after the hours of darkness , when you were only likely to meet George ‘ Let's Get Rabbits ’ Grover .
30 He told us that he expected to be posted to the front at some time in the next few weeks but he would still be home by Christmas ; an officer had told him that the bloody Huns would have been sent packing long before then .
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