Example sentences of "have [verb] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 British Columbia , who fielded only five of the players that tackled the All Blacks , have acquitted themselves admirably in a four-day period that has seen them take on the might of the two Antipodean giants .
2 Despite its limitations , the project has done something to open up the question of study skills , develop inservice structures and practices , create a core of schools where good practice has been established and from which it might be disseminated , and has clearly improved secondary school library provision through ( amongst other things ) the quality of book selection .
3 He says the year and a half he 's spent in America has helped him grow up a little .
4 ‘ My life with Gary and my mother and her occult friends has enabled me to pick out the symptoms by which we may recognise those who are involved in the occult .
5 Now , £100 000 from the Department of Industry has enabled him to set up a full-time commercial unit to analyse samples sent from Europe as well as Britain .
6 A COLLEAGUE 'S 4½-year-old son has asked him to set up the video camera in front of the chimney on Christmas Eve to catch Santa on camera .
7 French law has forced him to hand over the helms of Adidas and Bernard Tapie Finance , but he said : ‘ My new post is not incompatible with the presidency of Marseille .
8 The pro-Iranian Islamic Jihad group has admitted it carried out the bomb attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in which eleven people died .
9 A partner has left us to take up a senior registrar post ( not least because of the out of hours commitment ) .
10 The spirit of the Lord God is upon me Because the Lord has anointed me To bring good tidings to the afflicted ; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted , To proclaim liberty to the captives And the opening of prison to those who are bound ; To proclaim the year of the Lord 's favour …
11 Try to round off your answer by demonstrating how the old job has fitted you to take on the job you are applying for .
12 Kendo then took the prey from Fitz , having let him tear out a large piece of the monkey 's intestines .
13 A new car , a Porsche , showing off to friends , laughing , not really concentrating — The accident should have made him grow up a little .
14 He knew about them investigations , that I was being watched , and he could have told me to slow down a bit .
15 John would have to help me to back up the computer data with some experimental work .
16 No it 's got ta be this one , I might have to get someone to read out the answers
17 On balance he 'd have preferred to have seen them take on a top world fast bowler to ease the new-ball burden on him — as indeed they intended before negotiations with Australia 's Craig McDermott broke down months before the start of the season — but sees at least one advantage in having a star batsman rather than bowler .
18 He could he was a brilliant machinist and er oh crikey I 've seen him turn out a a three throw er crankshaft within a couple of days er you know without any precise measuring and and and in fact he just sort of put his roll on on on a on the shaft he was turning and just sort of gave him an idea as to I mean his eye was almost as good as many a bloke 's measur measurement with a rule .
19 ‘ I 've seen 'em loading up the Guineamen ready to sail for Africa , ’ she said , thrusting away the indignity of being shackled , cheering herself with talk .
20 Custodio , who had been in charge of his security , said during the trial that the former armed forces Chief of Staff , Gen. Fabian Ver , who left the Philippines with Marcos in 1986 , had instructed him to draw up the security plan for Benigno Aquino 's arrival .
21 If anyone had seen me bent over a motorbike with my ear pressed to the back of a Transit van outside the Barbican that morning , probably nobody would have looked twice .
22 I then told them about the apparition , how I had seen someone walking down the shed and then suddenly disappearing .
23 She could n't think what had made her blurt out the goading words .
24 The God who had made him get off the trike and stand still at the side of the grassily banked hill .
25 They scribes , but even then if you 've got somebody climbing up the top of a palette , shouting
26 Daphne had indeed introduced her to Guy , only a few weeks before , when Daphne had persuaded her to make up a party to see La Boheme at Covent Garden .
27 And Hayling had told him to tone down the politics to smooth away advertisers ' fears that it was going to be a Commie rag .
28 Too often she had seen her mother frowning with anxiety as she divided the contents of her father 's wage packet up between the jars labelled ‘ Rent ’ and ‘ Electric ’ and ‘ Coal Money ’ , too often at the end of the week she had watched her count out the pennies for a pound of sausages only to be able to buy just a half-pound , two for her father , one each for Paula and Sally , and only the scrapings of the pan to go with her own potatoes .
29 We 'd all kept away from it ever since the priest had had it pulled down the month before .
30 ‘ I 've had them make up a bed for you .
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