Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] place " in BNC.

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1 ‘ One has gone to a better place without the other and that 's hard for the living who are left behind .
2 Since Fizz has gone to a better place and Bunny has n't been around , it 's improved immeasurably .
3 Whoever received and processed a buy order would gain both the commission and a client , without having had to prospect in the first place .
4 But we do n't need to do any blood tests if you 're fine , you 'll be delighted to hear , having checked in the first place .
5 It does not immediately cure all known cancers — something that no one with a modicum of medical knowledge would have expected in the first place given the different causes and the versatility of cancer — nor is it without undesirable side effects .
6 They may be of course , but we may not have looked in the right place yet to find that .
7 Since then I have done something I should have done in the first place : found a gap in the rushes only ten yards downstream where I can heave into the fish without pulling them into more weed .
8 So I did what I should have done in the first place , I put the wire hangers and small weights on the edges .
9 ‘ Probably what I should have done in the first place .
10 Which you would have done in the first place , Lowell thought , if you had n't been so sure that Rose was here .
11 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
12 Is it a new editorial policy that New Scientist will investigate the number and source of replies to advertisements within its pages and then print snide remarks about why the unsuccessful applicants should n't have applied in the first place ?
13 Whatever one thinks of his comparisons , there is no difficulty in conceding in principle that physicists breaking with Newtonian concepts would be struggling to unlearn distinctions and assimilations which other cultures will never have made in the first place , so that the fundamentally different conceptualizations even of a pre-literate culture might illuminate him .
14 He might have to settle for a reserve place on Thursday . ’
15 I could n't have gone to a better place because they 'd got most parts of the country and one thing and another and I fitted their bill to a tee .
16 Santa Anna lost so much time and so many men in a pyrrhic victory , for which he need never have fought in the first place , that when he finally met the full Texan force under General Sam Houston he was utterly defeated .
17 I should never have started in the first place .
18 And then it would all be over — this crazy situation which should never have happened in the first place .
19 There was a small top storey , a room on the flat roof which may have functioned as a sleeping place on hot summer nights : there were similar roof chambers on Egyptian houses too .
20 Information which places guilt for the patient 's illness on the family might only serve to reinforce their overprotective and critical communication styles , which may have arisen in the first place for just this reason .
21 She thought she might have to move to a cheaper place anyway .
22 There the colonnade was wider and the slender arches more open ; standing in the deep shade , I looked out over the tree-tops and the sea to the languishing ash-lilac mountains … a déjà vu feeling of having stood in the same place , before that particular proportion of the arches , that particular contrast of shade and burning landscape outside — I could n't say .
23 Relatively cheap methods of testing local ground conditions which have been researched by geomorphologists can act as useful warnings to engineers as to whether they are risking the kind of problems which now make the Trannon scheme , with hindsight , a questionable one to have undertaken in the first place .
24 ‘ We seem to have come to the wrong place . ’
25 UTILITY — A small program which will do a single , simple job ; often performing a function that Windows ought to have done in the first place .
26 erm for some reason certain issues do n't seem to have appeared in the first place
27 Also , as a result of their greater longevity , elderly women are more than twice as likely as men to be widowed and , as a consequence of this and the lower propensity of the current generation ( if not succeeding ones ) to have married in the first place , they are three times as likely to be living alone .
28 This unprecedented discovery indicated one of two things : either at least four meteorites had fallen at the same place in Antarctica ( an event of vanishingly small statistical probability ) , or fragments of four meteorites , which had fallen at random on the interior ice sheet , had been carried to the Yamato Mountains site by ice motion .
29 ‘ You 've come to the right place , then , ‘ she said cheerfully , leading the way inside .
30 I could say that you 've come to the wrong place , but I wo n't . ’
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