Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Molly 's uncle , Philip , Lord Noel-Baker , one of our Vice-Presidents recently celebrated his 90th birthday and it gives us great pleasure to add our greetings to the many he has received from all over the world .
2 Most importantly the Chardonnay in the grand cru sector has risen from nearly a third to over a half of the vines cultivated , while in the premiers crus it has dropped from just under a half to less than 40% .
3 A notable quantity ( one hundred ) , particularly from the 1950s onwards , derive from private collections , which may reflect the uncanonical position the later part of Picasso 's career has occupied until recently in the official estimation of his work .
4 The answer to all of this is surely that it is not the legal qualities of limited liability or separate personality in themselves that justify intervention , but the concentration of power in private hands that has come about partly as a result of their existence .
5 This has come about partly as a result of research over the last 10 years or so into various forms of involvement in the teaching of reading .
6 It has come about entirely as a result of privatisation .
7 As we noted in Fig. 15.2 and Table 15.2 , the ratio has risen since then under the influence of recessionary conditions .
8 Lawrence had no comment to make about the letter , but fans sprang to the defence of Pollock , who has emerged from nowhere as a midfield star of the future .
9 Organ jazz has long been club-trendy , but it has taken until now for a new artist to come through to match the likes of Jimmy Smith and John Patton .
10 Organ jazz has for a long time been club-trendy but it has taken until now for a new artist to come through to match the likes of Jimmy Smith and ‘ Big ’ John Patton with whom she shares a clear affinity in her choice of rhythms and blues inflections .
11 Within that report he tells us erm , the rather startling disturbance story , that in fact it almost suggests , has been suggested the revolution has n't happened because the situation has continued as before with a different name but basically with the same er with the same kind of programme intact .
12 Erm in my view , it has to link in somewhere into the primary i into the road network and it 's not appropriate to link it into er the local road system and er therefore I think it 's inevitable that a linkage will need to be made to the primary road network .
13 For the remainder of her half-hour set , the audience was treated to vintage Aurora Blake — in fact , it was doubtful that she 'd ever put on a more powerful show in any of the venues she 'd performed in all over the world .
14 He 'd got about half-way through the book , and stuck .
15 They 'd arrived from all over the world . ’
16 You will have heard by now about the Government 's proposals for the reorganisation of local government boundaries .
17 You must all have heard by now about the Canterbury girls latest ‘ Fight the Flab ’ scheme ? ( ‘ speak for yourself Samantha ’ the rest of the team shouts in disgust ! )
18 ‘ You 'll have to go in here for the time being . ’
19 It was , too , even if Levi might not have noticed until late in the round .
20 Doubtless the British would have muddled through somehow without the loan .
21 If you do n't mind I 'll stand up cos I 'm gon na have to shoot over there to the plans in some stage in the , in the presentation .
22 In 1802 William Jowett was to sail to Jamaica to help sort out his father 's affairs , having acted until then as an accountant for his uncle William at Cotes , Titford and Brookes .
23 And Vivienne kept telling me , I should have stayed on just for the grant .
24 Now in in the bakery at that time it was one of the most progressive bakeries in the city and it must have employed at least about a hundred bakers .
25 She yeah , that 's her her nickname , cos she was quite big and she played the nurse in Romeo and Juliet in the season on Stratford on Avon and she did it using a Welsh accent because she thought Shakespeare , having coming from quite near the Welsh Border Country might well have had might well have had a Welsh nurse .
26 She yeah , that 's her her nickname , cos she was quite big and she played the nurse in Romeo and Juliet in the season on Stratford on Avon and she did it using a Welsh accent because she thought Shakespeare , having coming from quite near the Welsh Border Country might well have had might well have had a Welsh nurse .
27 In India , where continued hegemony was now the consideration paramount above all others in the minds of British politicians , a wholehearted attempt at such a policy , by one so well qualified to pursue it , must have seemed at least worth a try .
28 Having wandered about all over the house , they had ended up in the dining room where the cabinet full of glass was .
29 However , we see the thesis as overambitious since it only holds for certain groups and issues and for a particular period of British politics — and that period , may have passed at least for the moment .
30 Even Maxton could not have worked for long with the Communists whose infiltration he had done so much to resist .
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