Example sentences of "in their [noun] of [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The sceptics will scoff as usual but my informants are adamant in their accounts of the happenings .
2 Lord Rothermere and the Daily Mail withdrew their support , Conservative MPs who were present vied in their condemnation of the actions of the fascist stewards , the government considered the need to take steps to improve public order , and the public were persuaded to perceive the BUF as an extension of the fascist danger in Europe .
3 Traffic was halted and people could not get to work , a point emphasised by the authorities in their condemnation of the protests .
4 My own impression is that the editors have , over the past year , become a little more flexible in their interpretation of the rules .
5 The difference between American and British approaches to obscenity law lies in the harms they seek to curtail and in their comprehension of the processes by which those harms are inflicted .
6 The short answer to this submission is that at the outset the Board of Review , in stating the issue for their decision , addressed themselves to the wrong question and in their consideration of the facts failed to apply the principles of law stated by Atkin L.J .
7 Where Hobson and Angell really diverged was in their assessment of the attitudes of the rich towards international conflict short of war itself .
8 In the event that it is apparent that the case will , in fact , be contested , either because liability is to be denied or because the parties are too far apart in their assessment of the issues in dispute , now is the appropriate time to consider what further evidence is required for the Proof and whether the evidence that is available is adequate and sufficient for its purpose .
9 Over the last twelve years , Quinton and Rutter and their research team in London have collected a considerable amount of fascinating information in their study of the links between childhood experiences and parenting behaviour ( with special reference to children received into the care of the local authority ) .
10 The library staff can serve an educational role in their explanations of the processes of library research , both by displayed expositions and by individual or group instruction .
11 Kielder Water is beautiful , and the Kielder trees formidably impressive in their domination of the hills .
12 Short-term benefits derive from crime prevention amongst the young and an improvement in their perception of the police , which it is hoped will have residual effects in the long term when they are adults , but the wider community in Easton is only addressed secondarily as parents or guardians , which limits the short-term effects the programme might have on improving its perception of the police .
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