Example sentences of "in their [noun] of [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Nearby the sea terns and eider ducks were nesting , the ducks beautifully camouflaged , sitting tight as long as they could , then moving quickly to reveal eggs of a gorgeous sage green looking so warm in their nest of breast feathers that it made me long for the comforts of my sleeping bag .
2 Of course it by no means follows that the courts themselves are any less immune from the risks of unfairness or inefficiency in their pursuit of policy objectives , especially as currently constituted .
3 LISBURN councillor Gary McMichael has criticised the media for using the term ‘ leading loyalist ’ in their descriptions of terrorist victims .
4 They are usually quite good at cutting daily national papers and the leading magazines , but they tend to be variable in their coverage of specialist magazines and of regional media .
5 First , we would prefer to leave people as free from regulation as possible in their choice of credit arrangements , as a matter of general principle .
6 Men may still presume familiarity and superiority in their choice of address forms .
7 The knowledge that a project is likely to be post-audited is useful for keeping management on its toes , not only in their evaluation of investment proposals but also in the implementation and operation of an investment programme .
8 Delmar Menjamim flew his replica Gee Bee R–2 racer , the Eagles Aerobatic Team performed a faultless routine in their trio of Christen Eagles , a scintillating performance was given by Bobby Younkin in his Beech 18 , a routine which included barrel rolls ! , but probably the most unusual of all was Craig Hisking , who flew his much modified Pitts Special , which has been fitted with an undercarriage on the top wing , enabling him to land upside down as well as the right way up .
9 Discovery of Conradian horror beneath polite society , rediscovery of an Original Sin which burdened savage and citizen equally , connecting them however much the latter might politely protest , left unredeemed modern humanity at a level as terrible as that of primitives trapped in their cycle of fertility rites .
10 Again , they are prevented from recommending any particular firm , but many will allow you to put a brief piece in their list of referral solicitors saying what your particular area of work is .
11 While Sears ( 1983 ) study of university students reported that mature students are less likely to be more successful than their younger counterparts in the areas of science , engineering and medicine , Brennan and McGeevor ( 1985 ) , in their study of CNAA graduates , report that mature students do better than younger students in all areas of study except those relating to engineering subjects .
12 Bourner and Hamed ( 1987 ) in their study of CNM graduates have reported that degree performance improves with age until students reach the age of about 40 and then declines back towards that of younger students .
13 One of the problems Brown and Iles discovered in their study of community constables ( what , in the RUC , would be called neighbourhood constables ) , which was based on 300 officers in five police forces in England , was the relatively small proportion of working time devoted to activities the primary purpose of which was improvement in relations between the police and the public through direct involvement of constables in the community ( Brown and Iles 1985 : 29 ) .
14 Later , he had moved away from these classical designs ; he had become interested in Arabic jewellery , she said , and in their techniques of wiring jewels so delicately and invisibly that they moved with their wearer .
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