Example sentences of "in which a large [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A prominent figure at conferences has been Dr Stafford North , who as Dean of instruction master-minded the elaborate Library Learning Center at Oklahoma Christian College , where every student had his own electronic study-carrel ( with random dial-access to a large collection of audio-tapes and other materials ) in which a large part of his education took place .
2 Although there have been periods of economic stagnation or crisis , including the exceptionally severe crisis of the 1930s ( which itself failed to engender large-scale revolutionary movements in most of the capitalist countries ) , and a renewed depression in the 1980s , the general tendency of capitalism has been to promote a continuous , and sometimes rapid , improvement in material standards of living , in which a large part of the working class , if not the whole class , has shared .
3 This followed a referendum in January , held without Supreme Soviet approval , in which a large majority of the Crimea 's predominantly Russian population had voted for the restoration of the Crimean ASSR outside the Ukraine .
4 WITH any luck , 1992 will go down in history as the year in which a large proportion of the British people finally recognised the monarchy for the anachronism it has undoubtedly become .
5 He had championed the cause of the poor for many years in a series of investigative articles , and had highlighted the terrible conditions in which a large proportion of the ordinary Dublin people lived .
6 If you consider the markets for most convenience goods , they are established markets , in which a large proportion of the buyers have tried most of the major brands available .
7 On most lithologies landforms related directly to weathering tend to be minor features , but on rock types such as limestones , in which a large proportion of the products of chemical weathering processes are removed in solution , major landforms can be produced .
8 Well sir , I 've recently come across an American sex survey in which a large number of US ladies were asked the question : ‘ How long do you usually like love play to last ? ’
9 An unexpected Indian attack on Good Friday 1622 , in which a large number of colonists were killed , dealt the final blow to the Company .
10 Viewed in this way , representative standing is a sort of substitute for a class action , that is an action in which a large number of litigants can consolidate their claims into one for the purposes of having it decided by a court .
11 We conduct extensive consumer research in which a large number of women are interviewed about their preferences .
12 As part of the Advanced Courses Development Programme , SCOTVEC decided to take the lead in developing HN Units in a number of occupational areas , particularly those in which a large number of colleges offer courses .
13 Finally , on turning a corner , they entered a small area in which a large slab of stone stood beside a table covered in smaller fragments .
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