Example sentences of "in his [noun pl] [conj] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The cold of the ground slowly seeped through Riven 's bedroll to chill his back , and he edged closer to the fire , sick of the aches in his bones and counting out in his mind the hours before he had to go on watch .
2 Please do n't … ’ he murmured , holding her tightly in his arms and kissing away her tears .
3 Now though she stifled that feeling and gave herself up to the joy of being in his arms and hearing how long and how deeply he had loved her .
4 The instance here is of Stavrogin pretending to the provincial governor that he has a secret to communicate to him , and , when the unsuspecting old man ‘ hastily and trustfully ’ inclines his head , seizing his ear in his teeth and holding on to it , biting hard .
5 The Doctor spent several minutes inspecting his hat , turning it over in his hands and picking off specks of dust .
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