Example sentences of "in this [noun] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The quotations go on in this vein for pages on end for every conceivable sort of occupation .
2 The losses in this transfer of energy from one form to another can be calculated and the flow through the various sub-systems can be traced .
3 It would have been impossible to consider that the captain in his white tights and blue tunic with all the gold braid in this story of piracy at sea had spent his infancy so close to the Caledonian Road .
4 is it not possible to do something in this state of day in high technology
5 Departure timings advertised in this brochure for departures from London ( T.C.I. ) or Freelink pick up points are approximate .
6 This single example shows how powerful the ideal of collectivism can appear , as it seems to connect in a very real way with commonsense ideas , in this case about Japan as a classless society .
7 Like Gatrell and Vincent and Shepherd before him , he is concerned with the lack of detailed geographical information particularly in this case with reference to the years between censuses .
8 It is better to control them during this ‘ in-ground ’ period , the best control being achieved by watering down a solution of a chemical , one of a group with the long name ‘ chlorinated hydrocarbons ’ , and used primarily in this case on lawns as a wormkiller .
9 The producer must provide a description , checking that it is accurate ( no identifiable solvent residues ) , prepare a transfer note , ensure that the skip is secure , check that the waste transfer site is appropriately licensed to accept all the wastes in the skip , transfer the waste to the site suitably contained ( in this case by sheeting over the skip ) — and finally retain the transfer document for two years .
10 Approaching the crucial issue in this case by reference to the Act of 1957 Mr. Thomas put forward two propositions .
11 I should like to make it clear to the House that I accept full responsibility for the actions taken in this case by officials of the Home Office and by my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary , who dealt with it .
12 He is continuing in this capacity for Kent during 1992 .
13 She delights particularly in this dominance of architecture over furnishing , ‘ a piece of space enclosed simply for the sake of beautiful outline ’ , so that the small dining-table appears as ‘ an odd and insignificant accident ’ .
14 Practical support provides the third example which I shall use in this discussion of patterns of support in the past .
15 Also provided always that will not be obliged to assist with or take over the conduct of any proceedings which are principally based upon allegations of negligence , breach of contract , or other acts or omissions by , nor will be obliged to indemnify in the manner set out in this clause in relation to any such proceeding ;
16 Neatly coinciding with the fair is the publication of a new book , Facing the Page : the artist and the book , by Silvie Turner , published by Estamp which provides details of those working in this field in Britain at present and the projects currently underway as well as summarising the work of the last decade .
17 ‘ She certainly seems to be enjoying life now , ’ said Greg — and then , realizing this was open to misunderstanding , he added : ‘ I do n't mean now that Hilda is dead , of course — I just mean she 's revelling in this revival of interest in Walter Machin . ’
18 And LASMO plays an invaluable part in this drive towards self-improvement by providing financial and other much needed support .
19 The fundamental task of the work-study engineer is to provide , in this battle of wits between management and workers , that knowledge for management so that they can exercise tighter control .
20 In this scheme of separations of holy from unholy , ( Jewish ) women are , as it were , the ‘ gentile within' , the unholy half of the holy people .
21 Yet there was nothing in this relationship to gate against the susceptibilities of the reformers , for it implied no set position in the ecclesiastical hierarchy .
22 And everyone joins in this charade with talk of them now having time to do all the things they have always wanted to do .
23 In this sample of patients with disseminated colorectal cancer the chemotherapy regimen was an effective form of palliative treatment .
24 Meanwhile , Mrs Hilali , who 's been in this resort in Turkey for most of this year , has now been charged by Turkish police with possessing hashish and pornographic videos , along with Philip Baker her adopted son .
25 It is in this sense of extension of the basic , restricted theory , that I offer what I would call for the purposes of this discussion , the polytraumatic theory .
26 In this description of text as information , it is necessary to describe the features which are used in deciding what meanings are being conveyed .
27 That enhancement scheme is being prepared now and reference should be made to it in this document in respect of .
28 The approach here is firmly in this tradition of emphasis on use for change .
29 ‘ Well I 'm standing there like a creep in this dress with dots on it .
30 In this kind of evaluation of change over time , it is argued that it is easier to attribute changes directly to the planned intervention , since it is unlikely that other experiences to which the child might be exposed would produce the same pattern of differential progress across different aspects of language .
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