Example sentences of "in a [adj] [noun prp] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In February unknown gunmen killed Col. ( retd ) Rifat Ugurlutan , allegedly for his involvement in the activities of the security services , while on March 10 a police officer was assassinated in Istanbul by members of Dev Sol allegedly for his part in a 1989 May Day shooting incident [ p. 36668 ] .
2 BP is selling part of a collection of paintings used in a BP-Shell Mex advertising campaign which ran in the 1930s .
3 If he loses he still wo n't quit but the FA could be forced to throw him overboard in a latter-day Boston tea party .
4 Then somebody spoke in a strong New Zealand accent .
5 Take , for example , a homebuyer with a £50,000 mortgage who also has £10,000 in a 90-day Halifax Building Society account .
6 in car crime in a central Nottingham car park through the safer cities programme .
7 Andy Ward and his bridge , Alison Holloway ( above ) , dressed in a fur-trimmed David Fielden gown for the church blessing ( suitable for Siberia , too . )
8 Blue Velvet starts with things in the grass eating each other , continues in a surreal Norman Rockwell setting of red fire engines and sunny weather , and finally unfolds into the sexual violence of Hopper and Rossellini 's scenes ( whose use of blue velvet is not one Bobby Vinton had envisaged ) and the sheer terror of MacLachlan 's night ride into hell .
9 It was found in a Late Helladic IIIA context , dating to 1400–1300 BC , yet it seems to be of Minoan workmanship or inspiration ; it may well have been brought to the mainland by proud Mycenean conquerors as booty .
10 In a late November Cabinet reshuffle , Community Development and Culture Minister David Bowen was moved to Agriculture , Food and Fisheries , replacing Harcourt Lewis who was appointed Minister of State in the Prime Minister 's Office .
11 In a recent Lake District survey , only 48 per cent of house purchasers were local , with more than half the purchases being for holiday accommodation , second homes or retirement ( Shucksmith 1981 ) .
12 As Bauer put it in a recent BBC television discussion of covert recognition , ‘ Our normal experience of perception , of seeing objects or faces as an all or none process , is a trick that the brain plays on us ’ .
13 So much so that , in a recent US television interview , Apple 's chief executive officer John Scully made a prediction that telecoms will dominate the next stage in the development of computing .
14 Similarly gloomy comments by another AMR executive in a recent Wall Street Journal article prompted hundreds of travellers to call American about the soundness of their tickets .
15 Some 60 per cent of Conservative MPs who took part in a recent Gallup survey thought standards would fall , not improve , if these changes took place .
16 This incomprehension applies to all parties : in a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll , 58% of respondents thought that all ethnic groups in ex-Yugoslavia were equally responsible for the fighting , and another 21% were not sure who was responsible .
17 In 1687 , when James II was trying to conciliate Dissenters in order to win toleration for Catholics , Bunyan was offered a place in a reconstructed Bedford Town Corporation , which he refused .
18 A man stood beside her , tall and formidable in a black Savile Row suit , hands thrust in trouser pockets , a gold watch-chain glittering across a formal waistcoat .
19 Through the psychedelic years he was a schoolboy in a depressed Lancashire cotton town , untouched alike by Liverpool noise and London turmoil .
20 That the word is intended pejoratively was made clear in a 1987 BBC radio documentary on Karajan entitled ‘ The Price of Perfection ’ .
21 Yet in a former Durham pit village , although all had either been made redundant or been forced out of work by ill-health , a group of miners were so sustained by the community network of neighbours and relatives that giving up work seemed a positive blessing .
22 When the Kenyan government called in a former Scotland Yard detective to clear up the murder of the foreign minister in 1990 , he fingered the former energy minister and confidant of the president .
23 Making Out sounds most unpromising — about a group of women workers in a clapped-out Manchester electronics factory .
24 LUANDA — A small crowd rocks with laughter as a uniformed soldier , his eyes nearly closed in a drunken Saturday afternoon stupor , writhes body to body in a snake-like dance with a plump young woman in a tight blue dress .
25 Screen Two will feature Stephen Fry and Simon Callow in a new Simon Gray comedy , Old Flames .
26 She has a small part in a new Christopher Columbus movie , due out in February , and a lead role as a brewer 's daughter with ambitions in Monty Python man Eric Idle 's new film comedy Splitting Heirs .
27 But , as the great loyalist protest rallies faded out and a section of the Official Unionist Party showed signs of succumbing to the bait of office in a new Northern Ireland Assembly , he became confident that the main danger was past and that there would be no ‘ loyalist backlash ’ .
28 Hawk , 26 , who boasts a 56-inch chest , is starring in a new ITV game show , The Gladiators , from next week .
29 THE spotlight is on the quality of Ulster 's air — in a new Belfast Telegraph Bulletin .
30 So I brought it to Gary Brawer , the San Francisco luthier who does a lot of my setup work and he filled it up — took out the springs and the bar and filled it all up with ash and we put in a regular DiMarzio stop tailpiece , with through-the-body strings .
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