Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] up [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Industry will especially be looking to the polytechnics to provide a further and much needed stimulus to innovations already taking place in higher education ; in particular , in the development of mixed degree courses , modular courses coupled with practical experience , and of the sandwich system of education and training generally , and in the opening up of opportunities for women in all branches of higher education , not least science and technology .
2 In the run up to todays budget meeting there have been protests by parents and teachers worried that education , as the authorities biggest spender , will bear the brunt of the cuts .
3 Would my honourable friend be able to explain why it was that in the run up to negotiations with respect to the question of increase in the number of seats er , the German government made it quite clear that they were not interested or did n't want to have the additional number of seats and then subsequently , for reasons that have never been fully explained , we then found that er they had an additional eighteen .
4 Without wanting to appear cynical , it 's pretty safe to say that in the run up to elections , one expects the odd vote-catching ruse from politicians .
5 Corporate lawyers are well versed in the marking up of documents for reading so it is quite useful to arrange for a junior member of the lawyer team to undertake the initial mark up .
6 This urge to preserve the valued and precious non-material things that seem to come inevitably into human life , has found its expression in the setting up of idols in every conceivable form .
7 From 1940 to 1945 Winnicott was psychiatric consultant to the government evacuation scheme in Oxfordshire , and here he became directly involved with children who proved too difficult to place in foster homes , and in the setting up of hostels to house and care for them .
8 It is believed Sun and USL , which reportedly realise the potential hiccups with WABI , may try an advanced game of one-upmanship with Microsoft , putting AT&T 's patent portfolio containing such things as Backing Store in the balance up against Windows .
9 The DET also plays a leading role in the drawing up of syllabuses and work programmes , the setting and marking of exams , and the approval of textbooks and other materials .
10 The company is likely to be affected by a series of unofficial stoppages before any official action begins , as it was in the lead up to negotiations when Ford 's final offer was rejected last month .
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