Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] of [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 There are many contradictions therefore in the relationship of women to housing , and in the demands that we might want to make .
2 But if we want to adopt an approach to family life which is Christ-centred in its essence , we must ask how we are to glorify God in the relationship of parents to children and children to parents .
3 In the course of visits to Prague , the Czechoslavakian capital , and Bratislava by French President François Mitterrand on Sept. 13-14 and by United Kingdom Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on Sept. 16-18 , both leaders expressed their countries ' regret at having signed the 1938 Munich agreement , which had allowed Nazi Germany to dismember Czechoslovakia .
4 These , combined with a particular interest in curative education for children with mental and physical handicaps , he developed over the next eleven years in the course of attachments to children 's hospitals and homes in Austria , Switzerland , and Silesia ( in Germany at that time ) , and , by 1936 , in private practice in Vienna .
5 As described earlier , it has not been possible to measure this peak in the case of citations to Scottish geological theses , because of the small numbers of individual citations recorded , and because of the large spread of the citation period for these works .
6 In the ‘ haute montagne ’ and ‘ montagne ’ zones there is an upper limit of 40 livestock units ( i.e. 40 cows or 267 sheep ) per farm unit ( extended in the case of cooperatives to 40 livestock units plus 10 units per member of the association ) .
7 Yet this did not prevent a considerable proportion of headships of French missions going to outsiders — senators , prefects , colonial governors , soldiers ( again notably in the case of appointments to St Petersburg ) and even journalists .
8 First , the factors that explain differences in the response of enterprises to similar environmental pressures ( in Weaver 's study , the crisis of private railways in North America ) can be identified .
9 Man will exercise self-direction and self-control in the service of objectives to which he is committed : he is not naturally passive , or resistant , to organisational objectives , but has been made so by experience .
10 The suggestions are that the County Council in particular should help in the development of satellites to that erm , that business link , one in Oswestry and one at Craven Arms , and we should seek to make sure those satellites are available by no later than the end of nineteen ninety four , the beginning of nineteen ninety five .
11 At this stage the Left in politics was clearly interested in the development of alternatives to the asylums and this interest fed into the caucus policy-making .
12 Finally , as industrial societies do not remain static — indeed some sociologists are already talking of a ‘ postindustrial ’ society — what further changes , if any , are we likely to see in patterns of family living or in the development of alternatives to what we usually understand as ‘ the family ’ ?
13 They need to be ‘ better known to nature ’ too , prior in the order of things to the conclusions established on their basis .
14 Altogether 18 new junior ministers were inducted into the government , bringing the total number in the Council of Ministers to 40 .
15 The G M B if it passes this motion we welcoming a proposal to extend majority voting in the Council of Ministers to new areas .
16 The environmental crisis will , he says , require an increase in the flow of resources to the Third World , debt relief , fair pricing of commodities , land reform and help for Third World food producers in the form of a phasing-out of subsidies to agriculture in the developed nations .
17 Suppose that the fall in equity prices in October 1987 causes a fall in the flow of funds to unit trusts and increases the attractiveness of building society deposits .
18 However , the Marton route in 1945 was in a sorry state of repair , and there was much talk in the press of alternatives to tramway renewal .
19 For many months virtually everywhere in the Soviet Union stocks in state shops of even basic foodstuffs such as bread had been growing increasingly erratic , although some of the blame for this lay in the withholding of deliveries to the state supply network by farms and local authorities , in anticipation of prices rising or to meet local needs [ for indications of breakdown in the distribution system in May see p. 37538 ] .
20 In June the National Marquetry Exhibition culminated in the award of prizes to the best marquetarians in the land .
21 Even a biscuit tin full of buttons and other odds and ends was finally put back in the pile of things to be kept because , as Granny said , ‘ You never know when they 'll come in handy . ’
22 The second column also shows that there is a wide variation between regions in the proportion of exports to foreign debt .
23 The University 's 1990 planning statement envisaged overall growth of 1 per cent a year with an increase in the proportion of graduates to undergraduates .
24 But within a minute that Renault could have turned off the main road and got lost in the maze of lanes to the west of Sandwich Flats .
25 Yassir Arafat , the PLO Chairman , called upon the Arab states to impose economic sanctions on countries and companies involved in the transfer of Jews to Arab lands .
26 In his speech to the Arab summit in Baghdad Arafat calls upon other Arab states to impose economic sanctions on countries or companies involved in the transfer of Jews to Arab lands .
27 It is exemplified in the resistance of councillors to tenants ' own mobilisation .
28 He was also committed to and involved in the admission of women to the medical school , which obviously involved much tact and understanding in order to break down prejudices .
29 The procedures are set out in the Admission of Securities to Listing ( the Yellow Book ) and the requirements are contained in Section 6 of Chapter 1 of the Yellow Book .
30 Yet it is clear in references to natural justice that our conception of law is bound up with ideas of notice , fair hearing , representation and open judgment , aspects of which have been denied in the admission of children to the care of the state , and particularly in parental rights resolutions by local authorities .
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