Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] of [num] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Department of the Environment ( DoE ) has allowed a company — located in the constituency of one of its ministers — to continue discharging pollutants into a local river in contravention of European Community legislation .
2 Now , the elderly man who endured a waiter 's dirty fingers in his lemonade at Montrose could hardly have been more famous or respected , and there he sits in a dirty inn , happy to enjoy a little quiet , and quite at ease to do so , even in the company of one of the most garrulous men in the realm whose nature abhorred a conversational vacuum ; Johnson even expressed a simple delight in being thought as silent as a ghost .
3 In the course of one of Richard 's retaliatory raids he captured an important man , Peter Seillan , a member of the family which governed the city of Toulouse on the Count 's behalf and one of his closest advisers .
4 At today 's court the RM , Arthur Jack , adopted recommendations contained in the probation reports , making probation orders in the case of five of the defendants and an order for community service in the other case .
5 In the case of one of them , Andy Stewart , the Conservative MP for Sherwood , it almost certainly was .
6 They should be let down properly before the flight and not , as in the case of one of the mares , introduced to racing a week previously in a Windsor selling hurdle .
7 It is clear from the tone of the Duke 's letter that these were staunch political friends , and in the case of one of them Montrose was even prepared to help to equip the son for his new life at sea , remarking ,
8 This is probably wrong , as we shall see , in the case of two elders , and certainly in the case of one of the younger ones who is a girl .
9 In the case of two of the charges , the court held that , Mrs. Aboody having come to the bank herself to execute the charges , it could not be said that the bank left it to the husband to obtain the wife 's signature .
10 Erm in connection with erm with reference to the York area housing strategy , again , there is a simple explanation , in that that that document was prepared before the current work on the City of York draft local plan , had progressed to a stage at which members had considered housing sites , and a number of sites in City Council ownership erm within the city , covering some four hundred dwellings have now been agreed by the City Council members as coming forward over the planned period for affordable housing , and in the case of two of those sites it actually requires sites to be taken out of use as public car parks , to bring them forward for development , and that is why the eleven hundred figure is actually reduced now to a seven hundred .
11 The number of 14 to 16-year-olds is indeed 100 per cent. , but in the case of 14 to 18-year-olds the position is even worse than that emerging from those figures .
12 In the case of 55 of these items ( 89% ) , it was possible to calculate a delivery time .
13 Of the straightforward deliveries to readers , 92 were of legal material from the Advocates ' Library , and in the case of 88 of these ( 96% ) it was possible to calculate a delivery time .
14 In the case of three to five pixels being ON this was later refined to attempt to restore the continuity of lines through the point , by considering the four pairs of opposite pixels in the same 3 × 3 square surrounding it .
15 From this category of material , 3122 straightforward deliveries to readers were made , and in the case of 3081 of these ( 99% ) it was possible to calculate a delivery time .
16 This trial was repeated in the life of one of her daughters , Mary , who gave birth to a son a week after being widowed in 1737 .
17 She picked up a little knife which had been lying in the lap of one of the dolls .
18 A code in the diary of 1 for a stain , 2 for a small piece of faeces , and 3 for a large amount will help the therapist understand what is happening .
19 It was your hard luck if you came in in the middle of one of them .
20 One night , later in their affair , O woke up in the middle of one of his long and noisy dreams and lay there for a long time looking at Boy 's face as he slept .
21 Sylvie puffed at her cigarettes , and then in the middle of one of Katherine 's sentences abruptly stood up .
22 A man and his wife positioned themselves in the middle of one of the tree-lined avenues and sang ballads to a harmonica .
23 He drew a column of six lines , four of which were broken in the middle ; he scrawled a cross in the middle of one of the broken lines .
24 If there was any doubt , there 's one very nice curl of metal swarf , shed from the shoe , bang in the middle of one of those prints .
25 She follows me into the room and plants herself square in the middle of one of the sofas , leaving me to pace back and forth across the thick carpet while I deliver my diatribe .
26 And eleven of them got involved in a fist fight in the middle of one of those New York streets .
27 Their farm exports rose in value from $7.6 billion in 1971 to $17.6 billion in 1973 , and grain stocks fell from 23.5 million tons in the middle of 1972 to 7 million tons one year later .
28 For your protection , all envelopes deposited will be endorsed by the machine with the number of your nominated account and the amount you record by entry on the machine as deposited and will subsequently be opened in the presence of two of our employees .
29 Those in a correlated condition experienced the light only after a correct response in the presence of one of the cues ( and thus , as the task was learned , increasingly often along with this cue ) ; those in an uncorrelated condition received the light after 50 per cent of rewarded responses whether these were in made in the presence of the tone or of the clicker .
30 He knew that he was in the presence of one of the few men he might recognize as an equal , a kindred spirit .
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