Example sentences of "to [be] [vb pp] as part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One consequence of these extension schemes that may have a serious effect upon arts education is the way that some authorities are pushing for arts subjects to be taught as part of modular courses , which could lead to a reduction of the number of two-year examination courses in separate arts subjects .
2 For example , a superior variant of a module may exist but not be used in a package and consequently may not require to be transferred as part of the package .
3 To specify modules which must be locked against modification without agreement or being set to hard copy , but which nevertheless do not need to be transferred as part of the package , another tight coupling relationship must be used :
4 The Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1958 , s.12 initiated a right to reasoned decisions which were to be treated as part of the record , but only in the sphere covered by the Act .
5 We intend to ask the local government commission , which we hope to set up , to consider whether people want unitary authorities to be treated as part of historical counties for certain traditional or non-administrative purposes such as sport , a theme to which I shall return .
6 The President of the self-proclaimed " Republic of Kosovo " , Ibrahim Rugova [ for election see p. 38919 ] , held talks in Geneva with Owen and Vance on Sept. 16 , during which he reiterated his fundamental position that Kosovo was to be treated as part of the former Yugoslavia , and not as a province of Serbia .
7 The substantial Royal Nederland former subsidiary used to be audited as part of Royal International , the holding company .
8 If novels are to be studied as part of an exclusive course , they might be better located in Cultural Studies .
9 ABOUT 1,000 companies are to be surveyed as part of a major study by the Robert Gordon University , aimed at improving the greening of Scottish industry and commerce .
10 This novel type III domain appears to be spliced as part of a complex pattern of alternative splices among its flanking type III repeats , thus indicating that multiple tenascin isoforms may be present in tissues and cells of normal and neoplastic origin .
11 The AD1 domain appears to be spliced as part of a pattern of multiple alternative splices .
12 Even its controversial plans for the nationalization of major industries came to be accepted as part of a world built upon consensus .
13 Relatives want to be accepted as part of the caring team .
14 I do seem to be accepted as part of the regular television establishment .
15 Many others , however , agreed with the sole practitioner who felt that unlimited liability ought to be accepted as part of the ‘ burden and responsibility of being a member of a profession ’ .
16 Matt says to receive a reception like this is really great and it 's wonderful to be accepted as part of the village .
17 A road from the bypass to the Cleveland boundary is to be built as part of the project , providing a link to the proposed A66 junction at Long Newton proposed by the Department of Transport .
18 A NEW safety strategy aimed at reducing the risk of accidents is likely to be adopted as part of Darlington council policy .
19 Certain of these units will be regarded as core units , requiring to be completed as part of the course , other units being options , the student being able to select those units which would be best suited to his/her own particular needs .
20 Instead he argues that the whole enterprise of scientific medicine needs to be destroyed as part of a wider de-bureaucratisation and deindustrialisation of modern society to enable more autonomous modes of organisation to develop .
21 Figure 2.1 is a flow chart which covers some of the major decisions which have to be made as part of the formation of a catering enterprise .
22 The commentator 's ingenuous query could just as well have been prompted , however , by an unrelated but somehow symptomatic display of the insensitivity and obstinacy that have come to be regarded as part of Kohl 's character .
23 Long after his death The Pilgrim 's Progress so universally found its way into the childhood reading of all classes that it came to be regarded as part of the heritage of all Protestant Churches in the English-speaking world .
24 The committee declined to accept the view put to them by the Joint Permanent Secretary to the Treasury that tribunals ought to be regarded as part of the machinery of public administration for which the Government should retain a close and continuing responsibility .
25 Music that is to be played as part of a programme must be chosen with care .
26 In the event , the CEP evidence was eventually given by the individuals responsible under the banner of the then Cornwall-based campaigner George Pritchard , although it would undoubtedly have helped its status to be seen as part of the local councils ' case .
27 So they have to be seen as part of a larger whole within which they can somehow be related .
28 Musical flair alone has n't been the reason why the jazz poets/warriors have hit the ground running , it always helps to be seen as part of a fashionable movement .
29 It indicates her willingness to be the dutiful wife yet refusal to be seen as part of a united couple .
30 I do n't really want to be seen as part of the team and it 's not because I do n't like them — they 're all nice people — it 's just that I do n't want to be The Word 's latest wanker .
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