Example sentences of "to [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Under the agreement Mondadori was to be split into roughly equal halves , each worth around US$800 million .
2 May I please support the Sheriff 's stand on this matter as the speed limit legislation seems to be based on remarkably little logic ?
3 The provisional IRA 's commitment to violence against the British and against the protestant — loyalist alliance , which the provisionals rhetorically and conveniently subsume under the term ‘ the British ’ , is frequently assumed to be based on either Marxist or nationalist principles and in both cases to be secularist or areligious .
4 And perhaps most fundamental of all , we have to try to live and teach according to our ideals , and to promote them , whilst at the same time trying to make a good career within a system that seems at many points to be based on quite antagonistic values .
5 A user also has to be prepared for only rudimentary backup and restore features making NT a dicey choice for mission-critical and commercially sensitive environments .
6 These features can all too easily cause the annual review to be perceived as pointless drudgery , cause it to be prepared in as perfunctory a manner as possible and used as a device to obscure rather than reveal problems .
7 Courts are likely to be faced with more complex parliamentary history and consequently more difficulty in determining whether a statement may be assumed to demonstrate parliamentary intention .
8 For those tenants who become so dependent as to require more intensive care than can be reasonably provided in sheltered housing the survey asks : " Are they to be " bolstered up " by extra warden support ( and other sources of help ) or are they to be transferred to more appropriate settings ? "
9 The financial management of community care funds to be transferred from both social security and health authorities .
10 More modern laser techniques allow much more subtle experiments to be applied to both small and large unstable molecules in flow systems .
11 Leadership in science , which had moved from France to Germany in the late nineteenth century and from Germany to Great Britain early in the twentieth , now went to the United States , where immense resources had been developed during the war and were ready to be applied to more beneficial ends .
12 For , surprisingly , it is not illegal for other conditions to be treated by medically unqualified people as long as such people do not claim to be doctors .
13 He was on crutches for three or four months and was just beginning to recover when a stomach malignancy had to be treated by very extensive surgery .
14 These three approaches to the theory of the state ( which are summarized at the end of Section 10–4 ) have rather different origins and have tended to be formulated in quite different terms .
15 Typically , the summit was only to be gained by desperately thin and unprotected slab climbing .
16 The SD station at Kitzingen in Lower Franconia , for example , which in its special report directly on the speech had declared that ‘ the rumours about the Führer are presumably disposed of ’ mentioned in its regular report a few days later that some workers had been heard saying that , from the speed and tone of voice , it had not been the Führer himself , but a substitute who had spoken , and Hitler himself had suffered such a shock from Stalingrad that he had to be kept under closely guarded house arrest on the Obersalzberg .
17 Whereas philosophers such as Hirst ( 1974 ) and Phenix ( 1964 ) have attempted to classify knowledge in terms of logical forms or groupings , the knowledge-based curriculum in the schools tends to be organized in more familiar , traditional subject categories : mathematics , physics , history , geography , English , etc .
18 This great expansion is to be explained by newly available resources — available in Lorraine because of the Thomas process , in Scandinavia because of railway-building — a fall in costs thanks to a better transport network , the development of integrated plants and improvements in fuel technology .
19 The new morning schedule for the Highlands would allow programmes to be scheduled at more suitable times , said Radio nan Gaidheal 's editor , Maggie Cunningham .
20 However , despite the ingenuity of Shklovsky 's efforts , it became clear that the differential principle behind poetry could not be very extensively or very effectively applied to prose , and the functional opposition had to be constructed on rather different lines .
21 How did one ask someone what they were doing on the night of the twenty-eighth if one was pretending to be engaged in merely casual conversation ?
22 These studies need to be repeated with presently available more accurate methods for assay of histamine .
23 Patients need to be cautioned about not missing meals and using alcohol with discretion when receiving sulphonylureas because of the risk of precipitating hypoglycaemia .
24 Redbrook Secondary appears to be run on fairly formal lines , with all pupils wearing a uniform .
25 For it is one of the most noticeable features of the " actually existing democracies " ( to adapt a useful phrase of Rudolf Bahro 's ) that the democratic principle is confined to a very few public institutions and many voluntary organizations , while a vast range of centrally important institutions continue to be run by largely unaccountable and unelected oligarchies and individual autocrats .
26 In other words , the small island communities modified their rules as conditions required , and such modifications became part of the collective cultural inheritance , to be called upon when new situations arose .
27 Great Britain is the richest empire on the globe : she has one imperial metropolis , and one small quarter of the general capital devoted to her public offices ; if , therefore , there are any ten acres on the globe that ought to be covered with externally imposing and conveniently constructed public edifices , they are those adjoining Whitehall .
28 Although a regular officer , he was appointed in 1960 to head the Chief Political Directorate , a sensitive time to be moved into so critical a position .
29 Some plants may need to be moved to more suitable winter quarters .
30 A balance needs to be struck between obtrusively over-protective vigilance and insufficient care for pupils ' safety ; simple orderliness and environmental awareness are needed .
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