Example sentences of "to [be] [adj] and [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I have to be honest and admit that I accepted the invitation to dinner to try to find out once and for all if you were involved with Martin , but that was because I needed to know , needed to prove your innocence , because I was falling in love with you .
2 I have to be honest and say that the last few years have not been as good as I would have expected .
3 The house that always used to be warm and welcoming when they got home is now dark and cold .
4 It is easy to be cynical and think that new prospective customers will only give you their favourite trade references ; which are just the ones you do n't want .
5 That you wish to be defiant and stand when you can sit , that is the attitude of your past life . ’
6 And it 's guaranteed to be moist and appetising as the fruit is soaked overnight in port and fresh lemon juice to make it extra plump and tasty .
7 The noxious stimulation used in animal studies ( chemical and thermal ) is also suggested to be inadequate and given as reason why these studies often lend support to pre-emptive analgesia .
8 AT&T said it expected the change on future earnings to be negligible and added that there would be no effect on cash flow .
9 Zande thus believe this power to be sex-linked and consider that it increases with age : children may be capable of bewitching , but the power is weakly developed in them ; in mature adults it is more strongly realized .
10 It is all very well to be phlegmatic and hope that all will come right in the end but surely it would be better to stimulate discussion with a view to obtaining fresh ideas on how to deal with new circumstances which have never before confronted the capitalist world ?
11 Each statement must be dated and signed by the maker and must contain a declaration that the maker believes the statement to be true and understands that it may be placed before the court .
12 She told me not to be silly and went and reported me .
13 Many technical experts in this country do not believe this to be sensible and know that similar views exist amongst their European colleagues .
14 Mr Ashdown reaffirmed his willingness to be flexible and to compromise if it came to negotiating with a minority government of either hue .
15 It is also advisable to commission a space planner to review the accommodation to be sub-let and ensure that there is optimum use of the sub-let space with minimum loss to the existing accommodation .
16 She thought of the local cemetery : if they all woke up , they 'd come round demanding their houses back ; they 'd have to be sheltered and fed and appeased with promises .
17 Micro Focus Plc makes a very good living out of a programming language that many believed would be long dead by now yet still shows no signs of fading away — but if object-oriented programming fulfils its promise and sweeps away the paraphernalia of the first 35 years of the computer industry , Micro Focus is going to have to be ready and waiting if it is not going to be swept away too .
18 Here what we had was a case of the supreme court , well I 'll say more about this later , but the supreme court declaring segregation by race to be unconstitutional and requiring that these decisions be recognized and enforced by relevant authorities .
19 They tend to be sweet and loving when well but self-pitying when ill .
20 The answer to this is to be patient and realize that you are changing the habits of a lifetime .
21 It may just be a question of getting up ten minutes earlier in the morning or taking ten minutes when you get in from work to be alone and to reflect and relax .
22 There was need on Ewan Beg to be silent and row till we were through the narrows , but he had time after that .
23 It , too , wants people to be literate and complains that its offers to help have been ignored .
24 She decided to be touristy and go and buy souvenirs .
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