Example sentences of "to [adj] [conj] it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He was thirty-five to forty and it was assumed that he was an army intelligence officer .
2 There can be no good reason to object to this when it is recognised that efficiency incorporates personal factors such as safety , health and quality of working life as well as system factors such as productivity and quality of work .
3 Until recently , there have been no established codec standards and one system can only speak to another if it is using the same compression-decompression algorithms .
4 To have one standing in the corner of every room in the house is a tremendous help to an old person who can not bend ; although , of course , one will suffice , as it can be carried from one room to another when it is needed .
5 Its herdbook was formed in 1892 and there was a breed society from 1920 to 1938 but it was reconstructed from a few remaining individuals , with the result that there was considerable inbreeding and a particularly popular bull , widely used for his whiteness , was later found to have spread a serious genetic defect ( hypoplasia ) correlated to the degree of whiteness .
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