Example sentences of "to [noun] [subord] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Capacitor C2 is included to reduce the gain at d.c. to unity whilst appearing as a short circuit to a.c. signals .
2 Planted up with sun-loving , drought-tolerant plants such as sedum and houseleek , here it has been used to effect when laid on the gravelly shore of a small pond .
3 At this stage in his life , this was as important to Nicholson as searching for the character he was playing .
4 The plasma gastrin concentrations increased from group to group as expected from the dose given .
5 When added to the tapering off of Soviet oil production , the ‘ opportunity cost ’ to the USSR of energy exports to CMEA as opposed to the West has altered appreciably — all the more so once these exports became vital for financing her own grain and equipment imports from the West .
6 The best intentions and the wisest council are likely to misfire if entrusted to the care of the machinery of state action .
7 From being someone who simply happened to fail his first driving test , he becomes a person who ‘ always goes to pieces when sitting beside the examiner ’ .
8 He succeeded in wearing down Thomson on this point , but the proposal was eventually rejected by the Colonial Office , with lengthy quotations from Lugard employed to prove its case that the emirs had lost the sovereign right to taxation when defeated on the field of battle .
9 This approach to leadership means there is more attention given to selection as opposed to the training of leaders .
10 As John Maynard-Smith knows , I 've always been , in a less expert way than he , a Darwinist and I 've always felt , and you exemplified that tonight , I think , John , the beauty if the situation was that these profound theories corresponded with what a man of good sense , rationality , unswayed by prejudice and emotion , would be bound to belief when faced with the evidence .
11 That this is not the only dimension along which one can or must discriminate became fully apparent to juries when confronted with the ‘ video nasties ’ of the 1980s , where the verdicts surprised some observers by turning more often on the morality or immorality of the conduct portrayed and the moral stance taken towards it by the film-maker than on the affront caused to the viewer .
12 I could imagine her discomfiture as a natural approval of this evidence of my religious feeling vied with her conviction that normal people did not go to church unless compelled by the Sabbath .
13 There is a great deal of man 's inhumanity to man as evinced in the use of torture on political prisoners or the application of apartheid to other races .
14 After all there must be something more to life than sleeping in a garden shed and having no money and nobody who cared twopence whether you were alive or dead ( not after the competition , anyway — Nutty at least needed him till then ) but what it was Nails could not fathom .
15 ‘ But as much as I 'd like to continue playing for the North , I suddenly thought there 's more to life than sitting on the M1 .
16 Pan American intended to resume its twice-weekly service to Britain as permitted under the 1937 agreement , which immediately caused anxiety at BOAC .
17 I 'd sooner come to Cheltenham than to go to a holiday abroad .
18 The aluminium tube is then cut to length as required with a hacksaw .
19 Following Speirs 's departure , Fanny Walden offered his services to City while working with a nearby firm of motor engineers .
20 John Wakeham , the Secretary of State for Energy , attributed the increases to the government 's decision in November 1989 to freeze until 1994 plans to build three other PWRs , and restated the government 's commitment to Sizewell as contributing to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions ( one of the " greenhouse gases " ) .
21 And nothing condemned a woman so swiftly to womanhood as grappling with a man .
22 e ) the practical difficulties in deciding on professional grounds which clients are subject to restrictions when claiming on the fund ;
23 Two full day excursions to the Bulbfields , The Floriade and/or a full day visit to Amsterdam as described in the itinerary ; according to date .
24 Geschichte as Kähler used it refers to past history as such ; Historie to history as studied by the means and methods of historical study .
25 Complaints about the label of ‘ just a housewife ’ are more common in the middle-class group , and attitudes to housework as revealed by the question ‘ Do you like housework ? ’ show a class-differentiated patterning .
26 In nineteenth-century Queensland it was claimed that Devons produced as much beef per acre as Herefords or Shorthorns and also produced a good proportion of lean meat to fat when crossed with the Shorthorn .
27 In this respect they considered elephants , brought to Rome as exhibits from the Punic Wars against Hannibal , superior to works of art and fine craftsmanship .
28 As an exercise in questioning ‘ traditional ’ ideas regarding masculinity and femininity this work contends with basics such as there is more to femininity than putting on a skirt !
29 All this helps explain the obligatory use of the to infinitive after know in the passive : ( 121 ) Mrs MacAnder was known to contribute articles to " The Ladies ' Kingdom Come " .
30 This attitude may seem intensely romantic , but was acceptable to Eliot because sanctified through the anthropological eye .
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