Example sentences of "to [pron] [noun sg] [noun] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 Mm , that 's right , and I say to this one be on your way and he 's on his way and to another come and he comes and to my slave dither and he does it .
2 I see you will shortly do credit to my friend Belville as he has done you credit .
3 As the weather was nice I transferred the goldfish to my garden pond where he stayed from May to September .
4 Yes a row of houses and of course when I saw I looked out the door and there was this plane swooping down like that and it seemed so low because they were aiming an and the bomb fell in the cattle market and , and I threw myself on to the stone floor , you see , and er and presently one of the ambulance men came round to my office door and he said , are you alright ?
5 Mr Lamont declared the Tories stuck to their election pledges but he faces immense pressure to balance the books .
6 East Devon District Council has looked at the paperwork and has realized that the Community Council is going to match anything that they give , so I 've spoken to their recycling officer and he thinks that the way the budget is , we 're very likely to get one of the containers from them , which would be matched by another from the Community Council .
7 But , warmed by the fish baps and sweet tea , he wished to offer more of his home to his kind friends than he had previously rehearsed .
8 A standard term of GIT insurance requires a haulier to confirm to his insurance company that he has notified all his customers of the conditions of carriage ,
9 She submitted meekly to his expert ministrations as he re-dressed the wound , giving her terse instructions to keep it dry from then on until the stitches were removed .
10 He went down to his car and down to his company stock and he says now what the money 's due to me you 'll get them in the post .
11 The household chaplain , whose role it was to minister to the spiritual needs of princely families , could also produce letters , such as those written for Stephen of Blois to his wife Adela while he was on the First Crusade ; or charters , like those produced for the post-Conquest dukes of Normandy .
12 Mowbray 's hand fell to his sword hilt as he realised that great brass tongue only tolled when the Tower was under attack .
13 Pork scratching packets were pinned to his notice board and he was and still is referred to as ‘ Porky ’ .
14 He faced growing opposition , even among those who had been his closest supporters , particularly when he failed to honour an undertaking made in 1979 to his party supporters that he would relinquish office in 1990 after the first 10 years of independence .
15 Tolstikov , last year 's winner and joint favourite with South African Mark Plaatjes for Sunday 's race , could win about £32,000 to add to his appearance fee if he repeats his success .
16 listen to your language helper as he reads down the whole of list A
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