Example sentences of "to [pron] [pron] [be] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But , ’ thought Gedanken , ‘ why is n't it obvious to them what 's going on ? ’
2 She 's actually a really nice woman and she took a lot of time to really explain to me what was going on with her at that time .
3 ‘ When Dermot McNicholl put the ball through to me it was running away from me .
4 And she said er Angela said to her oh poor Neil has to stays in bed until one o'clock every Saturday and then on Sunday he has a he gets up late and then he has a long rest in the afternoon and Pam said to me he 's copping out .
5 Oh , he 's got to get motivated cos if we 're going away we got to save some pennies up and if we commit ourselves then we 've got to save pennies up , it 's no good coming and saying to me you 're going away next week , I shall turn round and say sod you matey we 're not cos we 've got no bloody money .
6 ‘ But why , Karim , especially as you pretended to me you were going off to take the damn exams .
7 The people to whom I am referring actually work the collieries .
8 You say that Hatchetfish are not suitable for a beginner , nor should they be sold to someone who is setting up an aquarium for the first time .
9 More recently , the concept of ‘ going native ’ in the Washington bureaucracy , referring to the tendency of officials appointed ( directly or indirectly ) by the president to adopt the values of the bureaus to which they are appointed rather than those of the man who appointed them , is a further example of the importance of socialisation factors as a source of values .
10 The Government 's alternative is to reduce prices in manufacturing from the uncompetitive levels to which they are forced up by the exchange rate , by firing people and depressing the price of labour .
11 And the amount of statutory maternity pay to which they 're entitled also depends on how long they 've worked for the same employer .
12 The war , then , provided opportunities , but the extent to which they were taken up depended in large degree upon the contingent circumstances of the case being argued .
13 The beneficiaries thus regard themselves as having received no more than their due , to which they were entitled anyhow , while those whose benefits are discontinued regard themselves as cheated of what they had a right to and had been encouraged to expect .
14 The first is that while most of the fast movements are much as one might have surmised ( although the vite sections of the last movement of the Te Deum are notably faster than often performed ) , some of the slow movements are considerably slower than one usually hears them , suggesting a rather wider range of tempos in use in the early 18th century in France than that to which we are accustomed today .
15 Aleksandr Nikitenko , the liberally inclined censor , confided to his diary that " such incidents involving government officials only demonstrate the deep , pervasive immorality to which everyone is accustomed here " .
16 And let us say that the meaning of a statement is valuational if and only if there is a certain attitude to which it is related just as a cognitive statement is related to a certain belief .
17 ‘ My job is to effect the disentanglement , with the University having a clear view of how successful the press is , and the extent to which it is calling on or contributing to University funds , ’ says David Martin .
18 Whether the words are printed , typed or handwritten ; whether they appear on a screen or on different types and qualities of paper ; whether a ‘ text ’ occurs as a separate item , as part of an academic journal , or in a book or an encyclopaedia ; how the page is laid out , the extent to which it is broken up by illustrations , headings , and the use of different typefaces .
19 There is considerable reported variation in the methodology and location of scanning , and the degree to which it is carried out by a formally constituted unit or units ( B.1 ) .
20 The future is a plate of steel floor covering that creaks and whistles as it is dragged clear of the supports to which it was bolted down thirty years before .
21 The fact that England virtually possessed a common language is also reflected in the increasing extent to which it was used both by individuals and by corporate bodies .
22 Abu was an army man in an army jeep , to which he was wedded as intimately as an Indian mahout is wedded to his elephant .
23 His dilemma lay ‘ in always having rather less than you need by the standards to which you are brought up ’ .
24 It should always be possible for the salaried partner to rely on the nature of his subordinate position to claim to be entitled ( at any rate by necessary implication ) to an indemnity from the full partners in respect of any additional liabilities to which his being held out has exposed him : but as a matter of good practice , every would-be salaried partner should insist on written terms which clarify his standing in the firm and effectually indemnify him against extraordinary expenses and liabilities .
25 My first rule of journalism goes back to something which was written down or reputed to have been said by H L Mencken , who was a , an American prize-winning journalist and commentator .
26 He said it was clear to him you were pining away , and that you could only be saved if I took you away and made love to you for the rest of our lives . ’
27 Yeah but they just comes up to the door and says to her we 're going away now .
28 He 's gone to her he was going today .
29 So whatever we , we 'd said to her she was coming back all the time was n't she ?
30 oh I 've had a bit of a day or erm ooh , whatever it is , and erm I said to myself I am making allowances for being tired and getting , getting on a bit , you know , and that went on for quite a while actually until I said to myself I 'm making up allowances you know , I 'm
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