Example sentences of "have never been [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Since 1944 , for example , we have had a quota system which has never been effectively operated under Governments of either party .
2 One side effect of these divided responsibilities is that Skymaster , and to an extent Prestel itself , has never been effectively sold to its intended market to any great degree .
3 In fact they succeeded and there followed a sequence of events that has never been thoroughly recorded in full detail , though Stillman Drake has done his best .
4 However , it has never been thoroughly tested in Britain nor have there been any systematic attempts to see if local taxes and services are important in actual decisions to move .
5 She has never been romantically linked with anyone and the biggest revelation to emerge in recent times came when a photographer spotted her shopping in Kensington last week and discovered she ate Kellogg 's Special K for breakfast .
6 The Republic of Indonesia comprises mainly some 13,700 islands known until 1949 as the Netherlands East Indies ; since 1976 it has also included East Timor ( when the latter was effectively annexed as the 27th Indonesian province after the withdrawal in 1975 of Portuguese troops , although this act has never been officially recognized by the UN ) .
7 The change in the Christian community from the largest community to minority status has never been officially acknowledged in Lebanese statistics .
8 Many similar examples can be found around the world , but in Britain there is substantial historical evidence which suggests that sharing with relatives outside the nuclear family in adult life has never been widely regarded as an ideal to be aimed for ( see chapter 2 ) .
9 What has never been successfully resolved in the UK is how we rate the application of knowledge , the technology rather than the science .
10 First , the development of Keynes ' economic thought has never been adequately related to the historical situation of Western societies in his day--which included not just the institutions of capitalism but also massive political disturbances such as the Bolshevik Revolution , the rise of Fascism , the two world wars , etc .
11 If you find that the results are likely to be disastrous , and that the principles underlying it , which we detect not only from the official utterances of members of the Government but also from the more indiscreet explanations of so-called supporters of the government are pernicious and that the whole matter is one that has never been duly referred to the people of this country , then I venture to say that your Lordships have a clear duty before you — not to decree the final extinction of the Bill — because that is not what we propose , but to insist that before it becomes law an authoritative expression of the opinion of the electors of the United Kingdom shall have reached us with regard to it .
12 The breed was initially dual-purpose , whatever its colour , but for the most part ceded its milking role to the neighbouring Ayrshire ; it has continued as a beef breed but has never been intensively developed for that role .
13 Strangely Davies has never been fully appreciated in Wales , possibly because his genius could often only flicker in a context of national decline .
14 The unique atmosphere of Anthony Hope 's Ruritania , its compound of energy and idealism , of courtly formality and personal passion , has never been precisely evoked in any of its numerous imitations .
15 ‘ I 've never been so exhausted in my life .
16 I 've never been so humiliated in my entire life , and all because of you !
17 We are but we 've never been formally trained in them .
18 Heredity , in Rose 's case , had never been well balanced by environment .
19 Here , however , lay the crux of the matter , for the King of Prussia and his government maintained that they had never been officially associated with Leopold , whose activities were purely personal , and that the King was concerned with the matter only as head of the House of Hohenzollern .
20 Pity for the lamb , its feet tied , its pale head held on the ground between Anderson 's boots , had never been quite lost in an adult 's sensible acceptance of such things being inevitable prior to Sunday 's luncheon .
21 The ICS , as a body , had never been much taken with political reform , sensing correctly that it set in motion a process whereby they could expect only to be replaced , and both reason and sentiment told them that this would never do .
22 Conan Doyle 's celebrated creation had never been fully explained in the books , the ploy of writing the novels from Doctor Watson 's perspective avoiding any need to explain or qualify Holmes 's astonishing brilliance and motivation .
23 He stared right into her eyes , and she thought that she had never been so enraged in all her life .
24 He had never been so overwrought in his life .
25 In contrast , the counter-insurgency specialists had never been better prepared with schemes and theories .
26 Ted Broughton joined the Palace in the summer of 1948 to occupy the outside-right position , which had never been satisfactorily filled since the war .
27 Often such matters have never been previously talked about and instead left to fester in bad relationships , complaining , negative attitudes and lack of drive .
28 ‘ I have never been physically assaulted by a client but there have been circumstances when I 've thought I should be a bit careful .
29 I have never been so humiliated in all my life .
30 More recently the rapid increase in the wealth of the Japanese , their greater consumption of diamonds and the fact that they have never been so attached to gold as the peoples of the west have led to a sharp increase in their use of platinum for jewellery .
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