Example sentences of "have just [vb pp] [conj] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Ryan had never argued , never shouted back when she was being impossible ; he 'd just sulked and stormed out , — and there was no fun in that .
2 I do n't think I 've done any business really I think I 've just written that account off .
3 He giggles a sudden twit-giggle as if I 've just farted and scrunches up his flipping funny face as if the stitches in some private part have just popped open , and at that moment he is the very image of a nervous comic wreak .
4 The Captain put the receiver down thoughtfully , accepting a sheet of paper from the Adjutant who had just tapped and walked in .
5 In the summer we can go out and draw from direct observation , but in winter it is too cold , but when we get back to the classroom we can draw from memory the tree we have just examined and put down on paper as much as we have learned and remembered about the tree , its form , its colour , and its texture .
6 The transaction seems to embarrass him because he insists on carrying it out in the corridor out of sight of his secretary , whose fluffy blue feet have just slipped and slid back through the door of his office .
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