Example sentences of "have just [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Alfred McAlpine has supplied roofing slates for the new St Joseph 's Convent and Convalescent Home , which has just won a Centenary Bournemouth Civic Design Award .
2 oh , I 've just seen the word David , I have just seen the word David
3 ‘ We 've just left the North-East Providence Channel and we 're in the open sea now .
4 ‘ Wait till the show — you 've just described the dress Claudia has designed and that Dana will wear . ’
5 In 1613 , therefore , he gave up his Fellowship and left for the Continent in the suite of the Princess Elizabeth , who had just married the Elector Frederick of the Rhine .
6 oh , I 've just seen the word David , I have just seen the word David
7 Oh look you always get these people we have just witnessed the top London club suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of .
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