Example sentences of "have only [adv] [vb pp] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My son has only just reached his majority , and I understand he is in no immediate financial need .
2 and I mean I then I 'd only just had my operation an and to actually drive for longer than about twenty minute journeys was killing so
3 ‘ I 've only just reached my decision , ’ Adam said softly .
4 ‘ I 've only just had my tea .
5 No not yet , I 've only just had my tea !
6 cos I 've only just had my tea
7 Oh Geoff , you 've only just had your tea !
8 The court was told that all three were now grown up , with the girls 27 and 31 , and had only just revealed their ordeal at the hands of their stepfather .
9 For example , emotional problems are often presented as justification for a person 's drunkenness , especially if they are female , and on one occasion a youth who had been involved in an accident but who had only just passed his driving test was let off with a caution by a policewoman in sympathy for his inexperience .
10 The group found themselves part of a movement called ‘ Shambling ’ , which was largely a reaction to the po-faced stance of goth that had only just entered its coffin .
11 She had only ever visited his office once before — as an awestruck teenager in the company of her stepfather — but she remembered precisely where it was .
12 Colour had begun to reappear , particularly in the work of Léger , who had only seriously restricted his palette in 1910 .
13 Ian Lang and Malcolm Rifkind have amazed everyone by surviving , but they have only marginally improved their party 's position , from nine to 11 seats .
14 British businessmen feel they have only just restored their right to manage after a hard-won showdown with organised labour .
15 Only Sara seemed composed and judicial ; looking directly at Gerald she said : ‘ The police have only just started their questioning ; I think we should be very careful about what we say to them .
16 she 's , she 's only just had her money through , remember when we met them in Tenerife
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