Example sentences of "have no [noun] [prep] [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 This does not mean , however , that Elizabeth has no freedom of action at all ; it is simply that her actions must stay well within the bounds that society has placed on her .
2 C , on the other hand , has no right in rem at all .
3 He need have no trace of conscience at all .
4 When we reached Auckland we had no plan of action at all , and as we knew no-one there was no-one to meet us .
5 Hired by the voyage , and at the mercy of the shipowners , they had no opportunity for combination at sea short of mutiny and only rare opportunity when on shore , and then only by petition and demonstration .
6 They had no level of communication at all , and a bus ride with him was an ordeal rather than a pleasure , for she had to rack her brains to reply to his remarks about the weather , the town 's football teams , the cinema , his headmaster , and so forth , but nevertheless when he wrote her a note saying :
7 ( As we shall see when we come to consider speech acts in Chapter 5- these kinds of inferences are often talked about as felicity conditions as if they had no connection to implicature at all . )
8 So long as the boy was alive and had a chance of survival he was as much entitled to retain that chance as the others ; whereas in our problem it may be that the men who are cut away have no chance of survival at all .
9 No but of course James and Danny ma erm and thingmajig find it incredibly funny because they 're incredibly thick and they have no sense of humour at all .
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