Example sentences of "have all [art] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One estate in Coventry has all the languor of the ghetto .
2 What relation has all the rest of the information to this main point ?
3 Just watch Michael Crawford walking into a wall or , as usual , falling about … he has all the timing of the professional clown .
4 At this point it would be fair to ask : what has all the work on the avoidance of shock and poisons got to do with social behaviour ?
5 The tale of Bob Thomas and Lyndon Laney 's company has all the trappings of the classic British success story .
6 This model has all the advantages of the earlier inflationary models , but it does not depend on a dubious phase transition , and it can moreover give a reasonable size for the fluctuations in the temperature of the microwave background that agrees with observation .
7 Stocky , adaptable and full of vim , Mark has all the hallmarks of the bona fide allrounder , wielding a stubborn blade in addition to the accurate seam-up that has already seen more than one class act tumble before a shrewdly concealed slower ball .
8 Slack planning laws mean hotels are growing up all over the place , said Nick — who quickly threw out his own idea that the West has all the answers to the problems .
9 Has all the nonsense off the field distracted you at all , made your h job harder ?
10 Eventually , you will arrive at a palette that has all the sections in the palette box an even shade of grey .
11 It is situated right in the centre of the resort and has all the facilities of the shops , restaurants and sports centre close at hand .
12 I mean , I know it 's not her fault but like , every Wednesday she has all the people from the college bridge go to her house to play bridge .
13 If all she needs is time to say yes , I 'll be your lover , then she has all the time in the world .
14 Former printer , Alan Govier has all the time in the world to reflect on his Maxwell legacy .
15 In Poland , Zakopane , in the mountains , offers wonderful scenery and Gdynia on the Baltic Coast has all the attractions of the beach plus lovely countryside and interesting cities to visit .
16 The favourable , half-page review of Eleanor 's book was scrapped and the two lines by Miss Dulally inserted instead : ‘ Her prose has all the lyricism of the tabloids .
17 The Professional package has all the features of the Standard version plus two extra sections called ORIGINAL DRAWING and EXACT STITCH LAYOUT .
18 For users who want to set up a client/server network , the 486/T has all the features of the 486/M range , up to 64Mb of RAM and eight expansion slots .
19 At 3.9m long it is shorter than a slalom kayak but has all the features of the original Kiwi , making it ideal for family and disabled use .
20 Certainly Mike had all the time in the world to launch a right hook , but Patsy also must have had all the time in the world to see it , for he simply swayed back on his heels and the punch missed by over a foot .
21 And you 've had all the time in the world it takes to dial seven digits .
22 If you do n't have all the ingredients for the curry sauce , you could add a can of prepared curry sauce to the beef and chopped vegetables and simmer the same way .
23 The borrower will normally have all the benefits of the security ( including the right to receive the sale proceeds ) and will have to meet the obligation to repay the debt in order to preserve these rights .
24 Back up the cooking facilities of the range with a modern oven , and you 'll have all the character with the advantage of modern technology .
25 By the time the four of us meet up we should have all the fish in the pool between us . ’
26 so in fact what will happen is , they will have all the details about the fields and so on
27 The best I can do is to offer you a free ¼ page advert , but I must have all the details in the next 48 hours .
28 I mean , I 've needed four years to get to this point so she could have all the time in the world as far as I was concerned .
29 He should have all the time in the world .
30 ‘ Once he is back with Berenice , and this latest ‘ Mrs Smith ’ has gone back to whichever hole she crawled out of , we 'll have all the time in the world for our own affairs . ’
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