Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] out [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Coun David Lyonette ( Lab ) said : ‘ An awful lot of money has been made out of this area .
2 A fisheries protection vessel has been sent out after more clashes between French and British trawlers off the Scilly Isles .
3 Commentator Tom Tyrell said : ‘ This is the first time in 22 years that this station has been shut out in this way .
4 The recessionary scenario has been played out in several U.S. institutions in the past two years .
5 And an education official believes the case has been blown out of all proportion .
6 3 A piece of string 36cm long has been pulled out to this shape .
7 The road between Scourie and Kylesku has been changed out of all recognition .
8 They would fill the tanker from there and we go round the quarry filling the front machines , but erm they say at five or six thousand gallons has been emptied out of that er dump .
9 At Cosmeston a well manured area of land adjoining the farmstead has been interpreted as a garden and has been planted out as such .
10 His Disco Roadshow business , called Darlington Number One , has been hired out for several parties and functions in the Darlington area .
11 The smaller Amazonian manatee ( or cow fish ) has been wiped out in many of its traditional homes in the inland river network by a combination of deliberate hunting and accidental death through being caught in fishing nets .
12 She 's only done half the course and already she has been picked out for this job .
13 What has been set out in these pages is a programme which could change Britain for good .
14 It is possible , though by no means proven , that the success of magnetic fields at 10 Hz in promoting healing is simply due to a type of replacement therapy , giving the patient a good-going dose of Earth 's magnetic field which has been drowned out by all the artificial , man-made frequencies surrounding us .
15 These may include " black " which has a black body , " sooty " with a dull black body , " antennapedia " with forked antennae and " microcephalic " which has a small head , as if a piece has been bitten out of each side .
16 As we have already discussed , the ancestry of the rose is extremely wide and complicated , and although extraordinary genealogical detective work has been carried out into many family trees , one wonders how it is possible to be sure of the right direction when travelling through the mists and fogs of time , especially during the period before copyright was extended to plants , when secrecy was a safeguard against competition .
17 As a consequence the struggle for Palestine has been carried out on many levels , creating a complexity which even the participants have at times found difficult to follow .
18 This policy has been carried out for some time by the OECD countries , Todorovic claimed , except that there the figure is between 4 and 6 per cent .
19 The drug has been around for the last 20 years , but this is the first time the research has been carried out over such a lengthy period .
20 Even capacity expansion co-operation has been carried out in such a way as to allow substantial continued internal competition and even greater market share changes than occurred in the United States .
21 Significant research has been carried out in this field .
22 Evaluation has been carried out in several different ways , in an attempt to study the value of the innovatory programme , and long-term measurement of the effects of the educational programme has been started .
23 Dawn Allenby seemed annoyed too , though that was possibly because she 'd been cheated out of those extra moments in his arms .
24 An ordinary person must have been put out by this .
25 With the benefit of fifteen years ’ experience and from the security of a university in Britain , it is possible to pronounce with considerable confidence upon what should have happened ; to comment owlishly on how untidy and illogical were the processes employed , how more information should have been spelt out with more precision , how more evaluation should have been undertaken sooner , how unreal were our expectations in terms of how quickly and how evenly changes can effectively take place .
26 The idea may have been worked out with some care or , at the other extreme , it may have been put up spontaneously at a meeting convened to discuss the content of a future programme of activity .
27 He should not have been allowed out under any circumstances .
28 They had been recruited earlier on in the day after having been spotted out amongst all the mud , pulling shapes .
29 Secondly we have not heard of anything that has changed in this county since nineteen eighty sufficient to warrant or justify in this alteration the addition of a policy the effect of which , one one with a similar effect having been thrown out at that time .
30 ‘ I was very surprised to have been singled out for this honour .
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