Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] by one [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The whole museum has been built by one man , our membership secretary , Philip Field , over a period of more than a decade .
2 Vellayati said afterwards , however , that " it has been impossible to propose any plan as each attempt has been rejected by one side or the other " .
3 Ealing LEA 's syllabus , which has been challenged by one parent for failing to give sufficient attention to Christianity , apparently states that , ‘ whilst our children need to understand that Christianity is a living faith which has shaped the history , institutions , art and culture of Britain , they also need to explore the other living faiths in our borough so that the richness of our religious experience can be shared and appreciated ’ .
4 It has been cited by one analyst as ‘ the green stock par excellence ’ .
5 The budget act has been characterized by one scholar as ‘ the most important piece of domestic legislation since the Social Security Act of 1935 … ( bringing about ) a marked shift in the substance of domestic policy and in American federalism .
6 The database has been used by one group of learning support pupils who have used the printouts not only to find the books they want but also to organize their projects , using the questions as section headings .
7 It has been suggested by one author that , for instance , written records of staff training should be kept .
8 A plastic hand has been left by one party
9 Indeed , increased exchangeable sodium in diabetics has been reported by one group of research workers who also showed that diuretic therapy lowered blood pressure while reversing the 10 per cent increased exchangeable sodium to normal ( De Chatel et al , 1977 ; Weidmann et al , 1979 ) .
10 The effect of this policy has been described by one writer in the following terms :
11 For example , the monarch was not spared by the pseudonymous critic Junius , who has been described by one historian as ‘ perhaps the ablest and most devastating political commentator ’ that England has ever produced ( Plumb , 1966 : 118 ) .
12 The Government wants to reduce productivity payments to dentists because it says they 're treating too many patients.The move has been described by one dentist as appalling.Richard Barnett reports :
13 The Government wants to reduce productivity payments to dentists because it says they 're treating too many patients.The move has been described by one dentist as appalling.Richard Barnett reports :
14 And the value of a distant relative of maize has been estimated by one company at $1,000 million dollars .
15 By 1997 , the probable date of the next general election , Britain will have been governed by one party for 18 years .
16 There is , of course , no reason why Baldwin should have been influenced by one motive to the exclusion of others .
17 Even so , if the enthusiasts for the citizenship ideal sought comfort from this proliferation of interest against the background of a decline in party commitment , they might have been chastened by one reaction to the report of the Speaker 's Commission .
18 Divorce of this kind was first introduced into English law by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 , and from then until 1969 it was based upon the doctrine that some matrimonial offence ( such as adultery or desertion ) must have been committed by one spouse before the other could obtain relief .
19 These people could have been addressed by one man who would have been heard comfortably .
20 Precisely what is meant by ‘ any substantial finding of contributory negligence ’ is open to some dispute at present , the view having been expressed by one judge that any contributory negligence greater than a minimal amount , must be substantial and hence prevent any interim payment .
21 The trespassers were Fawcett and partners , and appeared to have been financed by one Crackenthorpe .
22 The delay had been caused by one set of papers going temporarily astray in the post .
23 But a post-mortem examination showed the animal had been felled by one blow with a sledge-hammer or similar weapon .
24 His father had been a prominent supporter of Edward II , and had been described by one chronicler as ‘ worse than Piers Gaveston ’ .
25 The same room in one house had been described by one agent as 26ft 6in long and 14ft wide ( 8 x 4.2m ) , and by another agent as 19ft 3in long and 15ft 4in ( 5.8 x 4.6m ) wide .
26 The legislation contained a clause rendering the decision of the Board final and conclusive on the question of whether a business had been sold by one person to another .
27 Erm , are now in the process of following up to see if who has made er the switch to the new regime , and I have been approached by one project leader who has two programmers who refused to change , and has asked for help .
28 Current British Government inspired reforms of vocational training have been described by one expert as leading to the creation of a ‘ certified semi-literature under class . ’
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